Sick Koi - Urgent Help Needed!!!!!!


Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
Kent, UK
I really hope someone can help. My parants have 2 koi ponds which have been running for 25 years now! The ponds are linked, but have separate filtration and pumps. The koi are as old as the ponds and are 18 - 24 inches long. I have checked the water peramaters for them, and both ponds are perfect. They already lost the largest 28" a few days ago :rip: The symptoms are:

Clamped dorsal fins
Floating at the surface
2 of the koi have one completely closed gill plate and the pectoral fin on the same side is also clamped.

What on earth could it be?

Please help, because I think they will lose these 25 year old koi :byebye:

Sounds like a parasite if the water is ok.
could you post the stats you have anyway.
If you could catch one and lift its gill plate to have a look under and see if theres anything looking like white or brown blobs on the gill membrane or anything looking unusual. The gill colour is important as well, it should be a cherry red. Is the gill plate sticky looking.
When its out the water have a really good look on it body and fins for anything that looks unusual.
Anyone been spraying around the pond or insecticides used?
I am no longer at the house now, but I will ask dad to hook them out and have a look in the gills. (he is a trout fisherman so should not be a problem for him!) Stats are:

Ph 7.4
Ammonia 0 ppm
Nitrites 0 ppm
Nitrates <2.5 ppm

Tail is split and ragged on one. The only thing noticed about the closed gills, was that you couldnt actually make out the outline of the gill at all. The gill that was working looks to be enlarged or swollen (Perhaps because it is working for 2?)

Also one looks like it has HITH, but it has been like it for about 2 years and has never gotten any worse.

No sprays or chemicals near either pond.

I'd be looking for gill worms. They are blood red and will be visible just inside the gill plate.
The breathing is rapid and they hang out near the top and will scrape along the bottom.
Looking inside though should hopefully help and look really closely for anything abnormal.

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