Sick Julii Cory


Fish Fanatic
Aug 16, 2012
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I have a new recently fully cycled 10 gallon tank with 5 julii cories, 2 otis, and 4 glowlight tetras. Yesterday I found one of my cores dead and another looking very ill similar to the one that had died. His rear fin is straightened almost like it has a film on it sticking it together, and his other fins look similar. He isn't swimming much and won't eat. I separated him into anther "sick" tank as I don't want to risk infection. So my question is does anyone have any idea what is wrong and could he be treated?
That could be any number of things. is there anything visible on their bodies? (white patches, parasites, etc) Fin clamping is caused by many things, but high ammonia comes to mind especially if your tank is newly cycled. I would suggest you check for ammonia, and maybe do a partial water change in your main tank. but without more info about your tank, water, and fish theres no way to tell really whats going on. good luck!

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