sick/hurt black neon, need help identifying!

Aiden 0329

New Member
Jan 15, 2025
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I just recently picked up some new black neon tetras and saw one has this weird orange thing on it, is it sick? if so what should i do? i have about 45 fish and don’t want anything to go wrong this late into stocking
Your photo of the fish is kind of blurry. I can't tell if it is a cyst or open wound. Is the fish rubbing against anything? Are there any other symptoms it is displaying?

You need to know if it is an ulcer, cyst, or Hemorrhagic Septicemia.
It's really not clear in the photo.

As you've realized, not quarantining can have its dangers. If you have a heated, filtered, cycled treatment tank, now is the time to use it. It's probably a cyst, but why is a question. What is the fish encysting?

Based on the photo though, that's pure speculation.
Your photo of the fish is kind of blurry. I can't tell if it is a cyst or open wound. Is the fish rubbing against anything? Are there any other symptoms it is displaying?

You need to know if it is an ulcer, cyst, or Hemorrhagic Septicemia.
yeah sorry about that, it’d start darting around super fast when i pulled out the camera
i haven’t seen it rub against anything and it’s looked and behaved normal, i just don’t want any risk of it being neon tetra disease in an early stage
It's really not clear in the photo.

As you've realized, not quarantining can have its dangers. If you have a heated, filtered, cycled treatment tank, now is the time to use it. It's probably a cyst, but why is a question. What is the fish encysting?

Based on the photo though, that's pure speculation.
yeah sorry about the quality my camera isnt great
he’s been behaving normally but he’s in a tank with 43 other fish (75 gallon community) and i don’t have a quarantine tank, it’d be a huge blow if he had neon tera disease so idrk what to do in this current situation
If you want to take minimal risk, I would suggest removing the fish, whatever is in that cyst. You really don't want it to rupture in your tank.

Since there's no cure for NTD, I would isolate the fish by every mean and as fast as possible. But keep it alive. The future development could lead you toward a more enlightened diagnosis.

You don't need a complete cycled tank, just a good big container, a way to keep it warm enough and aerate the water slowly.
@Aiden 0329
First, we need a clear photo of the issue to determine what you have to do. If you have to treat with antibiotics, they work best in a separate, clean container. You can pick up a container at a Dollar store for quaranteening and treatment.

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