Aiden 0329
New Member
I just recently picked up some new black neon tetras and saw one has this weird orange thing on it, is it sick? if so what should i do? i have about 45 fish and don’t want anything to go wrong this late into stocking
yeah sorry about that, it’d start darting around super fast when i pulled out the cameraYour photo of the fish is kind of blurry. I can't tell if it is a cyst or open wound. Is the fish rubbing against anything? Are there any other symptoms it is displaying?
You need to know if it is an ulcer, cyst, or Hemorrhagic Septicemia.
yeah sorry about the quality my camera isnt greatIt's really not clear in the photo.
As you've realized, not quarantining can have its dangers. If you have a heated, filtered, cycled treatment tank, now is the time to use it. It's probably a cyst, but why is a question. What is the fish encysting?
Based on the photo though, that's pure speculation.