sick guppy


Plant Man
Contest Moderator
5x Tank of the Month 🏆
Nov 18, 2021
Reaction score
37.2431° N, 115.7930° W
i have posted about this guppy before.

the guppy is getting worse. now its really swimming sideways and has now begun to get nipped and bullied by the other guppies.

i have a breeder box, do you think that i should put it in there?

it mostly just sits in one spot now and doesn't eat too well.

there's my other post
When fish start having problems with their balance, it is usually caused by a problem in the brain (either an infection or a genetic defect). Genetic defects cause the problem from day one and it is noticeable from a very early age.

If the problem is caused by a virus in the brain, then sometimes you can help the fish fight the virus by keeping it in really good conditions (doing regular water changes, feeding a varied diet, etc). However, once symptoms appear it is usually too late.

If the problem is caused by a protozoan infection or bacterial infection in the brain, you can sometimes treat them with an appropriate medication (anti-biotics), but again, these don't always work because you need the right medication for the organism that is causing the problem. And the fish are generally too far gone to treat successfully when they start rolling over.

If you want to try and keep the fish alive, put it in a clean tank and feed it a varied diet. Add some salt (start with 2 heaped tablespoons of rock salt per 20 litres/ 5 gallons of water. After 48 hours, increase it to a total of 4 heaped tablespons of salt per 20 litres). Then see how it goes.

If the fish stops eating or can't remain upright, then euthanise it.
When fish start having problems with their balance, it is usually caused by a problem in the brain (either an infection or a genetic defect). Genetic defects cause the problem from day one and it is noticeable from a very early age.

If the problem is caused by a virus in the brain, then sometimes you can help the fish fight the virus by keeping it in really good conditions (doing regular water changes, feeding a varied diet, etc). However, once symptoms appear it is usually too late.

If the problem is caused by a protozoan infection or bacterial infection in the brain, you can sometimes treat them with an appropriate medication (anti-biotics), but again, these don't always work because you need the right medication for the organism that is causing the problem. And the fish are generally too far gone to treat successfully when they start rolling over.

If you want to try and keep the fish alive, put it in a clean tank and feed it a varied diet. Add some salt (start with 2 heaped tablespoons of rock salt per 20 litres/ 5 gallons of water. After 48 hours, increase it to a total of 4 heaped tablespons of salt per 20 litres). Then see how it goes.

If the fish stops eating or can't remain upright, then euthanise it.
the fish is looking better this morning. gonna leave it in the main tank and see what happens.

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