Sick Guppy


New Member
Dec 20, 2007
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I'm relatively new to tropical fish. I "inherited" a tank of fish but have now started a new community tank: started up end November and cycling fine since mid-Dec.

I have a single sick guppy. He's sitting at the bottom of the tank and not moving around much, been like this for two days now. There's no marks on him, no obvious signs of illness and his fins and tail are not nipped or rotting etc. He's eating a bit, when the food comes near him.

It's a 400L Rena tank and I have a mix of zebra danios, mollies, platies, two other guppies and an old plec from the other tank who are all doing fine. Stats are as follows - and have been the same for over a month:

Ammonia: 0
Nitirites: 0
Nitrates: 10-15
ph: 7.8
Temp: 25-26 Deg

Any advise would be greatly appreciated...
Hard to say with no symtoms, when they rest of the substrate for long periods bad news.
What does it look like when he goes to the toilet.
Check his anus to see if its enlarged or red and inflamed.
What does his weight look like to you, does he look abit of the thin side, or bloated.
Are you 100% sure its a male?

Reason i ask is because if its a female it may be ready to drop its fry (babies)

With you saying your new to the hobby, its a easy mistake to make. ( if its male it will have very bright colours) females tend to have no much clouring on them. also the males have a gonopodium. (see pic)


Also try putting the temperature up to 28 degrees rather than 25-26, leave it a day or 2 and put it back to 26 degrees.

If that fails, try changing the food diet (many fish with internal problems show no sign of illness on the outside)
Maybe give your fish some flake on a monday, wednesday, friday, sunday, and on tuesdays some daphnia (frozen cubes)
on thursdays maybe some high protien food, and saturdays some brine shrimp (frozen cubes)

A goo diet like this can reall help your fish to stay healty and live a lot longer.

Good luck and i hope it survives.
Thanks for the advise.

I've checked the guppy and it's definitely male. I've tried various actions to treat.

The fish is still sitting on the bottom but swimming around a little, feeding fine and showing no signs of dying. However, I now have a symptom. It looks as though his rear end isn't working properly. when he does swim his tail fin etc isn't moving and he's just propelling himself with his side fins.

Any thoughts?
How does he look to you, does he look unhappy and had enough.
Might be best to end his misery.

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