Cheese Specialist
I was wondering if anyone could help me with my poorly green tiger barb. I will describe the set-up and then his symptoms.
35g (4ft)
Ph - 7.5
Nitrite - 0
Amonia - 0
That's the only tests I have.
2 gouramis
2 small angel fish
8 barbs
1 rainbow shark
3 clown loaches
2 hillstream loaches (added Thursday 4th)
1 L134 pleco (added Thursday 4th)
2 mollies
2 glass catfish
5 corys
1 upside-down catfish
1 dojo/weather loach
The tank is planted and has got wood such as mopani and bog-wood. I have a fluval 4+ filter which runs continously. I do a 30% water change weekly. The tank has been going for about 2 months
I feed the fish flakes, catfish pellets and algae wafers every other day. I also have started feeding them frozen spinach on Wednesdays and meaty stuff such as tubifex on the weekend. I have only just started this and the spinach and tubifex do not substitute a normal feed, but are in addition (although I am going to change this).
All of the fish have been not well recently, but are better now. I have been treating them for white spot/ich. The white spots disappeared ages ago but one or two (the green barbs mainly) have been occasionally scratching against things in the tank. I continued the ich treatment and it has been ongoing for about 1 month. Perhaps it is not ich causing this now?
Now one of the green barbs is looking terrible. His scales are all pale (he is usually very dark green) and in parts he looks bronzed. He is breathing rapidly and not swimming about with the others as usual. Sort of hiding and going to the surface for a while every now and again. He has been like this for a couple of days but I thought he would get better and just needed a rest. He ate with the others yesterday.
Today he is looking worse... he is acting just the same but around his gills is red (not on the flap but on the back, on body), not majorly but a little. The other fish are showing no signs of ths and are scratching less. The other green tiger barb is fine, if a little itchy!
Medication I have:
* Stress Coat
* Stress Zyme
* Interpet Anti-White Spot plus
* esha 2000 - Fungus, finrot and bacteria treatment combined (also treats neon tetra disease and shimmying)
Thanks for any help, I am at a loss as to what to do! Also, when recommending anything please remember that I am in the UK ad so may not be abe to get particular brands.
Thanks, Dana.
P.S. I am new, nice board!
I was wondering if anyone could help me with my poorly green tiger barb. I will describe the set-up and then his symptoms.
35g (4ft)
Ph - 7.5
Nitrite - 0
Amonia - 0
That's the only tests I have.
2 gouramis
2 small angel fish
8 barbs
1 rainbow shark
3 clown loaches
2 hillstream loaches (added Thursday 4th)
1 L134 pleco (added Thursday 4th)
2 mollies
2 glass catfish
5 corys
1 upside-down catfish
1 dojo/weather loach
The tank is planted and has got wood such as mopani and bog-wood. I have a fluval 4+ filter which runs continously. I do a 30% water change weekly. The tank has been going for about 2 months
I feed the fish flakes, catfish pellets and algae wafers every other day. I also have started feeding them frozen spinach on Wednesdays and meaty stuff such as tubifex on the weekend. I have only just started this and the spinach and tubifex do not substitute a normal feed, but are in addition (although I am going to change this).
All of the fish have been not well recently, but are better now. I have been treating them for white spot/ich. The white spots disappeared ages ago but one or two (the green barbs mainly) have been occasionally scratching against things in the tank. I continued the ich treatment and it has been ongoing for about 1 month. Perhaps it is not ich causing this now?
Now one of the green barbs is looking terrible. His scales are all pale (he is usually very dark green) and in parts he looks bronzed. He is breathing rapidly and not swimming about with the others as usual. Sort of hiding and going to the surface for a while every now and again. He has been like this for a couple of days but I thought he would get better and just needed a rest. He ate with the others yesterday.
Today he is looking worse... he is acting just the same but around his gills is red (not on the flap but on the back, on body), not majorly but a little. The other fish are showing no signs of ths and are scratching less. The other green tiger barb is fine, if a little itchy!
Medication I have:
* Stress Coat
* Stress Zyme
* Interpet Anti-White Spot plus
* esha 2000 - Fungus, finrot and bacteria treatment combined (also treats neon tetra disease and shimmying)
Thanks for any help, I am at a loss as to what to do! Also, when recommending anything please remember that I am in the UK ad so may not be abe to get particular brands.
Thanks, Dana.
P.S. I am new, nice board!