Sick Gourami? Advice Please :)


New Member
Oct 28, 2006
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Hi all, I have posted this in the gourami section also, but thought i would put it here for all to see and give any advice as I need it.

A week ago I noticed a couple of white spots on my gourami. I thought it was a reoccurance of ich as I had it in November. Anyways, I treated it as per the forums suggestions (2nd dosing yesrday). The gourami never had any other symptoms but was more playful and affectionate with the other fish. Over the last couple of days she has become very frisky to say the least and my blue gourami is getting plenty of kisses and prods... plus she wont leave my plec and catfish alone. She's not being aggressive.. just playing by the look of things.

Today, she more frisky than ever and wont leave the other gourami alone.. it's twice her (or his.. not quite sure) size. Also, she has what looks like a fading patch on her back nad a couple of patches behind the gills. Her back fin seems to be splitting also.

The tank has had no changes, no added fish, plants, chemicals (always ticks over itself) and all fish have lived happily for a long time.

I've had a rise in ammonia from 0 - 0.3, nitrate 10 and nitrite 0, since adding the ich treatment which i expected.

Tank size: 58l (just bought a 220L tank to move the clown loach, plec gouramis and catfish to when fully cycled etc
pH: 6.4 (has always been this and I have tested the tap water which is the same before dechlorinating)
gH - 0,
Kh - 0.
ammonia: 0.3,
nitrate - 10,
nitrite - 0, PH

tank temp: 29 at the moment as per ich treatment advice,

Volume and Frequency of water changes: 15/20% every week

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Just dechlorinater to make the tap water safe

Tank inhabitants: Plec, albino catfish, gourami, 4 neon tetras, 4 guppies and a clown loach

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): Nothing at all

Exposure to chemicals: No

Any help would be gratefully received as I dont want to lose her/him




The patch on the gills does it look like mucas.
The spots on the fish how big and do they have any red in them.
The patch on the gills does it look like mucas.
The spots on the fish how big and do they have any red in them.

Hi Wilder.

No it doesn't look like mucus. They look like she has hurt herself more than anything.
I moved her to a hospital tank and medicated with Intrepet No 9 - anti Internal Bacteria - cures diseases with symptoms such as bacterial gillrot, dropsy, ulcers (as I thought it was an ulcer originally after looking at other posts) and septicaemia.

When i took her out the main tank, she was on her side and i thought things looked very grim. That was 3 days ago and the patches look better. But she is still on her side despite having more energy and tries to swim round the tank on her side. She seems unable to right herself.

She is constantly pushing herself around the bottom of the tank on her side and does at times get upright for a split second then back on her side. I thought she wouldn't make it through the night when i originally moved her to the hospital tank, but she seems to be fighting but i'm not sure if it's in vein and if I should euthanise her or not. I really dont want to if she can come back from this.

oh, the other thing that happened is the day I moved her, my molly was fine 1 minute then the next it was spinning around trying to right itself. kept turning upside down. The other fish in the big tank also seemed a little unhappy, some looked bloated and had white poop. I added a few cooked shelled peas, dosed with the same Intrepet No 9 as it looked like the molly had dropsy. I moved the molly to the hospital tank immediately but she didn't make it I'm afraid. I left the light off the big tank for the last day and a half and did not feed. They all seem fine today and the bloatedness has gone (keeping my fingers crossed.

As for the gourami........ I need help on what's wrong and what to do here :(

Ok good luck.
Check the anus of the fish to see if there enlarged or red and inflamed, as white stringy poo can be a bacterial infection, constipation to internal parasites.
Ok good luck.
Check the anus of the fish to see if there enlarged or red and inflamed, as white stringy poo can be a bacterial infection, constipation to internal parasites.

Thanks hun. The fish in the larger tank seem ok now and there bloatedness has gone. Anus look ok too.

Tragedy struck when i returned home tonight and my gourami had died. Was gutted and still dont know exactly why. I examined her and the marks on her side looked like open cuts. Not sure if this is what ulcers look like as I have never seen them. Cant understand why she was on her side though either... is this a factor of having ulcers, if it was ulcers?

I have the hospital/quarantine tank set up now and will continue to cycle it so that any new fish in the future can be put in to make cure they have no infections.

Cal :(

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