Sick Froggis


Fish Crazy
May 30, 2003
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Ok I dont even know what kind of frog he is, we were told he is a cherry tree frog.. and so to be honest we dont even know the correct type of care for him.. we got him from an aquarium.. and he came from a tank filled with water with bits of polystyrene for them to sit on, so I dont even know if he is meant to be fully a water frog - or whether he just likes to be damp... I dont know.
Anyway we have had him for over a year now - so we are obviously doing something right - but for a while he had a whitish/grey film over his eyes and the back of his head, he looked like he had gone blind.. it looked for a while like his skin was kind of coming off too, but more like a white fungus like what fish get.. rather than skin..
tonight when I fed him - I noticed the white/grey blotch that normally sits behind his eyes has changed, and now its a pink colour.. almost like Im looking at his brain, the whitish/grey discolouration isnt so bad, its only slight - but now its like its see through and im looking at his brain or something...
I have started supplmenting his diet with fish flakes and worms, for more nutrients.. I dont know whether the problem is nutrient related or what.. possibly fungal as the water in his tank is generally warmish.. and if hes a cold water frog then maybe its caused a fungal growth...
anyone with any help and advice- would be much appreciated.
we have LOADS of fish remedys - so if any of those you think would safely work on helping my frog get better I would appreciate it.


Do a google search for tree frogs and you should be able to find out what you have. Also do a google search for frog forums as tree frogs have different needs to the aquatic frogs that peope have on here and you should get more people with frog expertise to answer your questions. Sorry i can't be more help but i only have an african dwarf frog.

Hiya, thanks for your reply, he isnt actually a tree frog, we got told he was a cherry tree frog, but with the option - he never gets out of the water at all, he can if he wants to - but he doesnt- he stays pretty much submerged most of the time.
I have never found any info on a frog with that name either - so as usual the aquarium/amphibian stockists are just talking bollocks, you find that when they just keep fish and get the odd frog in, the dont know anything. Anyway we have had him for over a year now, and he seems ok, its just this weird seet hrough fleshy looking circle on the back of his head that I worry about.
I have started changing a bit of his water everyday - and adding some extra nutrients to his food to see if this helps..
I feel kind of sorry for him to be honest - cos he just sits there all day doing nothing.. do you think frogs get bored or depressed? I feel like he isnt living much of a life - and alot of the time wish I had never got him (was given him as a birthday present last year) , cos I feel guilty.. :sad: :unsure:



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