Sick fishies, Meds, and Water Changes

Guppy Mama

Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2003
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I am currently treating a tank with maracide. The medication bottle says that no water changes are necessary. It also says to leave your filter alone if it is more than 5 days old.

Then...a friend came over and says...I need to do a water change each day, despite what the bottle says, and she said to remove the charcoal filter.

I did a 30% change beofre treating the first I continue each day, and do I remove my filter?

Thank for educating me!
I just treated with maracide works well. Remove the carbon. Water change before you treat then once you're done treating. Don't change while treating unless your treatment has to go longer than 2 weeks.
I agree........

don't change the water during treatment because it dilutes the medicine. Unless you see some signs of stress from the meds. I wouldn't. But yes, do one the day after your last treatment if you treat every day......or just after its done being medicated ;) Or if you have to treat it a second time around, change 25% of the water and then begin treatment again.
Excellent!!! Thanks very much, I feel better knowing that I am treating properly!
Thank you, thank you!

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