Sick fishie?


Jun 22, 2004
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My copper super delta was laying on the bottom of his tank this morning with clamped fins... he looks sickly.. and i tried feeding him.. and he ate! And he also made an effort to eat since every time he'd swim up... he'd slowly sink :(

I know somethings wrong... I'd just like to know either what it is.. and is it fatal :(

Thanks for your help in advanced <3
hmmm, gonna need more info I'm afraid. What does he eat?
What size tank i it?
Is it cycled or 100% water changes?
How long have you had him?
No marks on his body?
How long has he been acting this way?
What's the temperature of the water?
my fish lay at the bottom of the with fins closed up all the time. its just how iv seen thm sleeping. i throw in food they eat it and then they userally begin to wake up. males particularly rest alot because the have to lug around those huge tails and alot of the time they do this at night with the lights out. did u turn on his lighting? what tempreture is the water, my male gets very sluggish when his temp is down like its been resently, iv gotta take care of that problem. thats all i can really tell u. it doesn't sound to serious but u may wann keep an eye on him.
Yes i know they sleep like that... but i've had him for almost 3 weeks.. and he's never done this before.. so i'm guessing this is irregular behavior. He's in a half gallon with an undergravel filter. I change the water ever week, or less than every week, 100% water changes. I think he may be slightly pail... and his water is the same temp it's always been. Hm. :/
Well he's in there with another betta.. and she's been healthy all along.. she's even more active now since he's not flaring at her than before. It's at a split 1 gallon.
uhhm, two fish in a 1 gallon -_-

I do 100% wc's on my 1 gallons every 3 to 4 days...I can't even imagine two fish sharing one -_- The ug filter could very well be disturbing him too.

Maybe he needs his own tank. Or vice versa.
um, u should buy another 1g and keep them in a 1g by them sleves i used undergravel filters before and i dont like them. they will suck down food and other waste materials under the gravel and it cant be sucked up if its being pulled under. that stuff will mold and decay which will cause ur amonia problem. i just keep my 1g without a filter and after a day or 2 i go in and suck up wahts been left on the bottom with a hose. and also its good to have gravel, i assume u have gravel because u have a inground filter but juts so u know, i had no gravel in my bowl and my male draged his fin along the bottom which caused them to get rot on them, gravel helps keep it off the surface of the bottom of the tank.

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