Sick Fish


New Member
Nov 22, 2008
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I have a fish, it is a catfish but i don't know what kind, not even sure if it's a corydoras i'm not the one who bought the fish, but it has whatever the red gill sickness is called, i think they get it from ammonia, we cleaned out the tank really well, took the gravel out and everything and have the fish in a small jar with an oxygen stone and he seems to be recovering how long do you think it will take for him to recover? will he ever get better? will he most likely live/die? I REALLY don't want him to die i feel like a murderer when my fish die.
If you thoroughly cleaned everything in the tank, you have set your tank's cycle back to the beginning. If you at least left the filter alone things won't be too bad. The way that you should take care of ammonia is to do a large water change and replace the water with dechlorinated tap water about the same temperature as you started with. You cannot leave your cory, or any other catfish, in a small container and expect it to live. Make sure your tank water has been dechlorinated and mostly replaced and put the cory back into the tank. There is a link in my signature called Fish-in cycling that will take ytou to a place to read what to do to look after your fish during the time your tank cycles. Before you stop to read it, replace at least half the water in your tank with fresh dechlorinated water and put the catfish back into the tank.

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