Sick fish ~ please help


New Member
May 17, 2004
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Worcester, England

I need your expert advise !!

About a week ago I noticed that my clown loach had a dusting of small white spots on him and that he was rubbing hismelf against the gravel and tank ornaments -_- . I went to the pet store and got some Interpret Anti white spot plus and added it to my tank later that evening. When I looked at my tank closer my other fish had started to rub themselves on the gravel a bit but didn't have any white spots. I raised the temp in my tank to 84 degrees F like the med instructions said.

It's now 4 days later and the clown loach has even more spots :sly: but the other fish don't. He is lathargic and to be honest I don't know how much more this poor little guy can take. What do you think this desease is ? I thought it was ICH but if only he has it, it doesn't seem as likely ? Should I isolate him ? The water is fine, I tested it just a few minutes ago.

Any advise would be greatly appreciated ~ thank you
-_- Are the spots like grains of sugar or are they fuzzy looking? I'm thinking it could be either Ick or some kind of Fungus.
I would do a water change and a gravel vac and raise the temp. to 85 degrees and dont put anymore medicine in. that will take care of your problem if it is Ich. Can you post a picture????? so we can see what it looks like.
I can't get my camera to work sorry :( yeah it's like grains of sugar but only on 1 fish ? I'm pretty sure it's ICH too but is it unusual to have it on just 1 fish ?

thanks for all your help
it is possible to have on one fish. i had 2 mollies, betta & pleco and only my mollies had ich while the others were not affected. i treated the tank and within a day and a half, it went away.
Don't forget to remove the carbon filter while treating your tank with medications.

I hope all clears up soon!

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