Sick fish, need advice


New Member
Apr 6, 2004
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I have a 29 gallon freshwater tank that I keep right around 76' and have had good luck with a few fish being 4yrs. old. My problem is that I've lost 2 tetras and a placastumus and a few of the fish have what appear to be white spots on them and most of them hang at the bottom and are not very active. I bought a koi,2 tetras, & a algae eater. My fiance brought home another koi and things were fine for about a week ,then this happened. I change filters monthly and have a bubbler bar in the tank ,any help would be appreciated.
By white spots are we talking about spots that look like salt (ICH) or discoloration of the skin ,usually yellowish/white, (velvet) or are the spots fuzzy (fungus) or none of the above? The answer will help those here to help you better.
Slowly raise the tempature to 86 degrees and put a ich treatment. the heat will speed up the ich process and ich can't live in those hi of tempatures.

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