Sick Discus


Fish Fanatic
Nov 15, 2003
Reaction score
st. clair. county, il
I have a blue cobalt discus that just stopped eating he was doing ok until two days ago and now he just kind of sits in the corner the other three discus are doing just fine they are young about three inches and I do two 50 % water changes a week with RO/DI water and I add Aquarium Pharmaceuticals electro right to put the minerals and stuff back in and I add flourish and Flourish iron during the week it is a heavily planted tank the tank parameters are

ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 5 ppm
GH 6
KH 5
Phosphate 0.1
PH 6.8

So what should I do?

Thanks Greg
How long have you had the discus?
When I first got my discus, 2 of them just hid in the corner and did not eat for days. I read that sometimes they act like that because of gill flukes. I used Paragon and in 2 days they were eating and swimming around. They been fine ever since.
Another thing it could be is Hexamite. The fish will not eat, and will have white stringy poo.
If elgecko does not make it back to post you can try to PM him and then he will see that you have a question.


Best of luck with your fish!
I used a product called hex-a-mit.
I would add some to live food, let it sit for about 4 hours before I fed the fish. Usually even when sick they will eat live food. I did this using blackworms and brine shrimp. You can also treat the whole tank.
Well I lost the cobalt but there are three more in the tank. they all look fine and eat fine but should I still treat them? the only thing I could find was jungle parasite clear that says it treats for hexamita.

Thanks Greg
Sorry to hear that.
Just watch the other that they are eating and their poo.

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