Sick Cory


Fish Addict
Aug 15, 2014
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a few days ago i got two new corys thismorning they were all fine now one is lying upsidedown with its head half floating and one of my guppies died yeasterday
pleas help
We spoke briefly on chatroom about this problem.
First off, I think your tank has not be cycled, which basically means getting the tank and filter ready for fish.
Have a read of that article.
Basically it explains you need bacteria colonies to deal with the ammonia which fish produces, ammonia is toxic to fish. So it is important information to help you understand what happens in a fish tank.
First thing you will need is a test kit, liquid test kits tend to be more accurate, try to get API FW Master Test kit as this is a popular test kit.


And posting these results along with some more information will help a great deal.
Tank Size?
Tank Mates?
Water Parameters ? (you can take a sample of water to LFS and ask for specific test readings.)
How long has tank been running?
All these will help us build a picture of whats happening in your tank and hopefully we can then advise whats best thing to do.
44 L 2 other cories and 2 guppies(one still tiny)it has been running since the beginning of the year

he just passed
Aw, sorry to hear that Sean :(
It was almost inevitable that was going to happen unfortunately :(
I'd still suggest you try to get some water parameter readings, then post on here, and continue to have a read of that fishless cycling article.
I would suggest trying to cycle your tank properly before adding more fish. This process will ensure safe water parameters for the fish to thrive in 

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