Sick Cory Cat Please Help


Fish Fanatic
Oct 29, 2006
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hi Guys, my peppered cory cat is lying on his side and not moving. All the other fish seem to be fine. Why would he be doing this? he is obviously sick but i dont know why.

My other 2 peppered cory cats, 3 julii cory cats and 5 tetra neons are all fine

Please help
Hi Sambo :)

I'm sorry to hear about your little cory. :(

When a cory does that, it's almost always a sign of a bacterial infection of some sort.

Please give me some more information about your tank. It would be helpful to know its size, temperature, and the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels. If you put your location in your profile, I might be able to suggest medicine too.
Hi Sambo :)

I'm sorry to hear about your little cory. :(

When a cory does that, it's almost always a sign of a bacterial infection of some sort.

Please give me some more information about your tank. It would be helpful to know its size, temperature, and the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels. If you put your location in your profile, I might be able to suggest medicine too.

Hi it is 65 litres, ammonia reads 0, nitrite is 1mp and nitrate is 10mg, i am in Birmingham. I think he has died now :-(
Hi Sambo,

I see that many of your posts are in the Beginners Forum, and it looks like your tank might just be finishing its cycling period. If you cycled with fish, it might have weakened them and made them more prone to getting sick than they normally would have been.

Now the important thing to do is to make sure that the conditions are right to keep the others healthy. Whenever a fish becomes sick or dies in a tank (especially with corys) it's always a good idea to give the tank an extra water change and carefully vacuum the bottom. This will freshen the water and remove much of the harmful bacteria that might be breeding in there.

Make sure there is some water movement on the surface to add oxygen to the water.

Do any of your other fish show symptoms of getting sick?

What is the temperature of the water? :unsure:
Hi Sambo,

I see that many of your posts are in the Beginners Forum, and it looks like your tank might just be finishing its cycling period. If you cycled with fish, it might have weakened them and made them more prone to getting sick than they normally would have been.

Now the important thing to do is to make sure that the conditions are right to keep the others healthy. Whenever a fish becomes sick or dies in a tank (especially with corys) it's always a good idea to give the tank an extra water change and carefully vacuum the bottom. This will freshen the water and remove much of the harmful bacteria that might be breeding in there.

Make sure there is some water movement on the surface to add oxygen to the water.

Do any of your other fish show symptoms of getting sick?

What is the temperature of the water? :unsure:

My peppered cory died this morning :( i now have anotherpeppered cory cat who keeps suddenly rolling onto his side as if he were scratching himself. he keeps doing this.

All otherfish seem fine, including 5 neons and 3 julii cory cats/

My ammonia is 0, nitrate 10, and nitite is 0 mp, ( it was 1mp, but i did a 25% water change today and yesterday)

I treated the water with King british Safe guard.

Temp is 24c

Any thoughts appreciated.
Hi Sambo :)

When fish rub themselves against the substrate or other surfaces it's called "flicking." The cause of it is almost always due to poor water quality although a few other things could cause it too. Since there were some nitrites present, it's likely that your tank isn't finished cycling and that's why your cory was acting that way.

Doing a water change was good. Please keep doing them every day until you are sure that there is enough beneficial bacteria to keep the nitrite from showing up on the test results. King British Safeguard is a good dechlorinator and chloramine remover and you will need to use it every time you do your water changes.

The temperature of your tank is good.

The other thing that is most likely to cause a cory to flick is the start of a bacterial infection, so keep an eye on him, but don't treat him for anything unless you're sure it's necessary.
Hi Sambo :)

When fish rub themselves against the substrate or other surfaces it's called "flicking." The cause of it is almost always due to poor water quality although a few other things could cause it too. Since there were some nitrites present, it's likely that your tank isn't finished cycling and that's why your cory was acting that way.

Doing a water change was good. Please keep doing them every day until you are sure that there is enough beneficial bacteria to keep the nitrite from showing up on the test results. King British Safeguard is a good dechlorinator and chloramine remover and you will need to use it every time you do your water changes.

The temperature of your tank is good.

The other thing that is most likely to cause a cory to flick is the start of a bacterial infection, so keep an eye on him, but don't treat him for anything unless you're sure it's necessary.

Hi thanks for your help so far. I have noticed that just below his eyes he has 2 white spots. Is this normal or is is white spot disease? they look like they should be there as they are perfectly symetrical.
Hi Sambo :)

I think I know what you mean. If they look like little bumps, they are perfectly normal. Check out this picture and see if what you are seeing matches the little bumps on that fish:

yeah those are them! well it cant be white spot then as i thought it could be. I just dont know what to do, one is already dead, although i never saw him sctratching himself, like i have seen this one. I also dont understand why it is only the peppered cats that seem to be in danger, especially as i put the julii cats in at the same time.

Do you think i should get any bacteria treatment incase they have an infection or anything.

Hi Sambo :)

Corys don't seem to get whitespot (ich). It's possible that your peppered corys just have less stamina than your other corys.

You don't need to get medicine to treat them until you're sure they are sick. You will want to avoid the possibility of killing off any of the beneficial bacteria you've been trying so hard to cultivate, so don't use medicine unless you absolutely must. If that is the case, Waterlife's Myxazin is a good one to use if you are in the UK.

You might want to try adding a little salt to the water to see if that helps make your cory more comfortable. While you won't want to leave it there permanently, it will not hurt them if it's only for a few weeks. I would add about a tsp. of aquarium salt per 5 gallons and dissolve it completely in tank water before adding it.

If you use the salt, remember to replace the appropriate amount after each water change to keep it consistent. When your tank is cycled and you want the salt out, just stop adding it and it will gradually be eliminated as your do water changes.

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