Sick Bolivian Ram

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Lost Cause

New Member
Aug 4, 2006
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Hi there,

My Bolivian Ram has started looking very ill in the last 24 hours. I've had her for about 12 months.

Her body has turned a dark black colour - almost like coal. She looks lethargic, is only moving around slowly, and isn't coming up to feed (very unlike her). She has begun to open and close her mouth all the time, but it is in a slower motion than a typical gasping action. I've stared at her for a couple of hours and can't see anything obvious wrong i.e. no whitespot, no ulcers, no flicking etc. Her gills maybe look a bit red, but maybe I'm seeing things.

I know that's not much to go on, but if anyone has any advice - or other signs to look for so I can add some medication then I'd be very grateful.

Water parameters are fine (zero across the board) and all other fish in the tank are in good health.

Many thanks in advance.

How may gallons or litres is the tank.
Do you have live plants as it rare for a nitrate of 0.
How many fish and which type are in the tank.
Going dark in colour can be a bacterial infection, black patches are ammonia burns that are healing.
The red gills are they inflamed and is she flicking and rubbing on things.
Any fish pecking at her body or gill area.
Hi Wilder,

The tank is a Juwel Vision 180 (180 litres) with an external Eheim.

The tank is well planted, including a couple of very active wysteria plants that I've allowed to spread a little - to see what the effect would be. Nitrates never seem to rise above the 5 level.

Fellow tank mates are:
2 Angels
3 Male Guppies
1 Male Dwarf Gourami
7 Rosy tetras
7 Neons
4 Rummy nosed tetras
5 Amano shrimp
3 Bumble-bee nerites

It's a peaceful tank that's not seen any problems in a long time.

PH is always stable. Temp is always stable too, as I run an Aqua-Medic Mini-Chiller. I have a Fish R Fun UV Steriliser also.

It's her entire body (excluding fins) that has gone black, not just a couple of areas - so I think we can discount ammonia burns. I check the water regularly, and haven't seen an ammonia reading since cycling (12+ months ago).

I don't think the gills are inflamed - and I haven't seen her flicking on anything ever.

The other fish are leaving her alone (she's always been the dominant fish in the tank), but she's clearly feeling vulnerable because she's backing away if other fish get close in.

[Edit: The red fringes on her fins are far more vibrant in colour than usual - if that makes any difference]

Hope that helps.
She gone dark, not eating, and lifeless no energy, point to a bacteria infection, if she not flicking.
But once a fish stops eating not a good sign at all.
Yes, I'm starting to fear the worst unfortunately. She is still moving around, albeit slowly.

If it is a bacterial infection - as you suspect - then is there a good general medication available (if it's not too late) ? Something that won't harm the shrimp and nerites too ? I have some Melafix to hand.
To be hoenst i think its to late all the signs are there.
Melafix is ok good on cuts and wounds but not for the state this fish is in.
She not eating and has no energy can you issolate the fish.

This might help out.
Yes, I can isolate her. I have a Bi-Ube (35 litres) also, which got me first interested in the hobby.

Luckily, I haven't had too many fish die on me yet, so is turning a very dark colour a typical sign of the end being nigh ? The few little fish that have died (in the Bi-Ube) went a very pale colour first.

I'll certainly take your advice and transfer her to the Bi-Ube though. There's only a couple of fish in there and they're very hardy. Thanks for your help here.
Ok, not nice we have all been here at some time.
Good luck.
Keep an eye on the other fish, good luck.

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