Sick Black Widow Tetra?


New Member
Mar 23, 2004
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East Yorkshire, England
No time to introduce myself I have an emergency! I am fairly new to Aquarium fish as we were given a large tank (4ft) last August and inherited a few Black Widow Tetras a few weeks later. We now have 7 BWT's, 7 Ruby Tetras, I siamese fighter, 1 catfish, a lovely clown loach and up until recently loads of snails (due to overfeeding I thought so I cut back and they decreased to a more acceptable level...I thought). We have not bought/introduced any new fish for several months now and all seem quite happy and are feeding well. The BWT in question was inherited and used to be fed on pond food before we got him. We now feed him on Tetra food and flake. The other BWT's are all ok except for one that has a nibbled fin from early days in the new environment. Anyway, the one that is now causing immediate concern has a very pink and inflamed mouth, from searching on diseases on the internet it looks most like the fungus but it is not white it is pink and looks like the fish has a receding nose! The fish is swimming a little dazed but is not looking thin or as if it is going to die! I need to know what to do to make him better and also if the other fish can catch whatever it is? should I put him in a tank on his own? Perhaps he has been in a fight????
Does the mouth look like it has had candle wax poured on it? If so, the fish may have fish pox. But don't worry, it is not known to be infectious. It may also be due to physical damage, but I do not believe that it is a fungus because of the pink color unless it is physical damage that resulted in fungus. I would go ahead and move him to a separate tank (if available) for observation.
hi there- and welcome.
Does it look like his scales have been scraped off of his mouth? If so use some melafix. It is completely safe for all the fish in your tank and its a miracle product. Its fixes everything and anything that goes wrong in my tanks.

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