Sick Black Phantom tetra


New Member
May 15, 2005
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Sydney Australia
I have a Black Phantom tetra that's acting strange. He was fine up until the other day but all of a sudden he doesn't swim around much. He won't eat and he's lost a bit of colour.

The other 3 I have are all fine.

Any clues as to what might be wrong with him

to help us help you, we need your water params
pH, nitrAte, nitrIte and ammonia.
any other test available is also important, but not vital.
what is the temperature?
can you list all symptoms that you think he has
clamped fins, laboured breathing, hiding etc
basically anything that is not normal behavoiur.
It would also be useful to know how long the group has been in the tank, what else is in there, and their status. Additionally, is this a newly setup tank or has it been running, with fish for a while?
Thanks for the replies.

I can't check parameters ATM because I need to get a new kit. I'll let you know shortly. I was thinking the parameters could be out. PH is neutral (7)

The temp is about 25deg C

His behaviour is that his dorsal fin is drooped, loss of black colour in body and fins, stays in pretty much one spot i.e doesn't swim about much, not eating. His fins don't appear clamped he's just hovering all the time. It doesn't appear that his breathing is laboured and he doesn't seem to be hiding. Sometimes he will hover in the back of the tank other times in the open. Now and again he might interact with the others but mostly he just sits in one place.

The group has been in the tank for only 2 weeks (3 males) they were all fine. I added a female the other day and that's when he started acting weird.

The tank is fairly new 3 weeks with fish. Started with 5 cardinals for a week, which are thriving and then added the 3 phantoms.

I've also added some 'cycle' bacterial supplement during this period.

Thanks for your assistance
Bad water quality with the cycling of the tank, i would get your water tested as soon as possilbe in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph to see where you are in the cycle, i would recommend a water change for now, also add an airstone for extra aeration, buy some test kits, and some of the fish you have added really need a mature tank of six months, also the fish is pale due to the stress of the cycle as it's taking it's toll on the fish, and it might not make it.
Hi all,

Well I checked my water parameters and the results are,

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10ppm
PH approx 7.6
Water temp 25deg C

So it would appear that the water quality is OK and there is something else wrong with him.

He has started to join the rest of the tank a bit but he still hasn't eaten. His gills seem a little redder then the other phantoms but that could just be because he has lost some colour and as such they just appear redder.

thanks again

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