sick betta


Fish Herder
Feb 19, 2004
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this is my female betta... u can see the white near her tail... im wondering if anyone knows what it is... its not like fungus im pretty sure... its more like loss of color... anyone have any ideas?


  • sicksmallfry.jpg
    26.1 KB · Views: 41
anyone know?... i really wanna do something to save her... baaah
If you could a better picture, that would help us out a lot. It's very hard to see the problem from that photo. -_-
i took like 12... but shes so in love with me she never stays still :rofl:

bah.... its like a white patch... but not really fungusy... if u know what i mean... shes losin color all over the place :(

i got a new computer woohoo... so ill be busy hooking that up tonight.. if i get the software onto the new comp ill take some pics hopefully :(
Why don't you put her in some almond leaf water w/salt? It's very good. I believe bkk has a topic pinned in the betta/gourami forum. :)
she dead now :(

same with the male in the tank... the male was sick from when i bought him... he never really swam .. maybe once a day.... i can bring them both back if i want.... i donno ill see about bringing them back... 30 day guarantee... doubt i have reciepts tho :(

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