Sick Betta?


New Member
Jun 12, 2007
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Hello Everyone!! this is my 1st post. im happy to say that i have recently aquaired a new Betta. :D
But, i think something is wrong with it. My Betta's Left fin is clamp.. why is that?

He's in a 40g with couple of corys and guppies. its aired, filtered and has some plants.
the water temp is about 27 - 29.. Need Advice.
Hello Everyone!! this is my 1st post. im happy to say that i have recently aquaired a new Betta. :D
But, i think something is wrong with it. My Betta's Left fin is clamp.. why is that?

He's in a 40g with couple of corys and guppies. its aired, filtered and has some plants.
the water temp is about 27 - 29.. Need Advice.

When you say clamped do you mean hes not using it?
Hello Everyone!! this is my 1st post. im happy to say that i have recently aquaired a new Betta. :D
But, i think something is wrong with it. My Betta's Left fin is clamp.. why is that?

He's in a 40g with couple of corys and guppies. its aired, filtered and has some plants.
the water temp is about 27 - 29.. Need Advice.

When you say clamped do you mean hes not using it?

BTW Keep an eye on your guppies those guys are know to harass bettas because of there long fins.
Hello Everyone!! this is my 1st post. im happy to say that i have recently aquaired a new Betta. :D
But, i think something is wrong with it. My Betta's Left fin is clamp.. why is that?

He's in a 40g with couple of corys and guppies. its aired, filtered and has some plants.
the water temp is about 27 - 29.. Need Advice.

When you say clamped do you mean hes not using it?

BTW Keep an eye on your guppies those guys are know to harass bettas because of there long fins.

The bettas will attack/kill the guppies, too.
Hello Everyone!! this is my 1st post. im happy to say that i have recently aquaired a new Betta. :D
But, i think something is wrong with it. My Betta's Left fin is clamp.. why is that?

He's in a 40g with couple of corys and guppies. its aired, filtered and has some plants.
the water temp is about 27 - 29.. Need Advice.

When you say clamped do you mean hes not using it?

yes.. hes not using it and its color is kinda white.. y is that?
If he's otherwise active and feeding with no other apparent symptoms I would guess his fin has been damaged somewhere along the line. Possibly in a net or by a tank mate. I'd just keep a close eye on him in case he has other symptoms and see how he gets on.
I'll chime in that guppies and bettas don't usually mix very well. B/c your betta is new... it's possible he's stressed (from the move and getting used to his new surroundings)... but usually all the fins are clamped - not just one in particular... so maybe it is an injury. He might not like the airation from the filter as bettas prefer still water, (they're labrynthe fishes - they can breath surface air)... so if the current is strong - it might be stressing him out. Is he eating at all? Swimming much?? I'd give him a few days to de-stress. Also - it's always a good idea to quaratine your fish for a couple of weeks at least to make sure a new fish doesn't bring a disease into your tank. I just hope your betta is disease free. Good luck!
If its the fins that are clear on the side of this body closet to his head, dont worry to much those usually dont move especially fi hes resting at the bottom of the tank.

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