Sick Betta


Fish Fanatic
May 18, 2005
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My betta is floating on his side, well actually he's wedged himself up on the heater and is half in the water half out now. Earlier today he was swimming upside down trying to get right side up. He has a very swollen belly. Anything to do for him to try and make him better or do I just wait for nature to takes its course?
Have you tryed a water change? When you do add Aquariumm salt to the water at one rounded tbls per 5 gal. If your heater can be raised try bumping it up by 2 deg.
I don't have any aquarium salt. I have Betta Fix, Melafix and Primafix and I put some primafix into his water earlier today but didn't do a water change. Should I move him to a smaller tank. At the moment he is in a 2.5G tank and I could move him into a .5G kritter kreeper hagen bowl thingy.
It sounds like he's got swim bladder - hold off feeding him for a couple days and see if that helps. You can try to google 'betta swim bladder' and see what other ppl recommend to cure.
Sukie is right, seperate him and dont feed him. This happened to one of mine, he passed away. What have you been feeding him recently.?
he passed away sometime in the night. I fed him betta pellets, Top Fin Betta Bits and sometimes frozen brine shrimp as a treat. Two of my bettas get a mixture of the top fin betta pellets with another kind of pellet that I bought my accident it seems to have a variety of things in it. I tried feeding my other bettas peas but they aren't interested in them at all. Any other veggies that I could try? I also have dried blood worms at home but I stopped feeding those to my bettas when two of them got sick and died.

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