Sick Betta.. Poor Guy.. Sigh


Fish Fanatic
Mar 13, 2009
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Hi everyone,

My son has a 10 gallon tank in his room that houses his red betta and a few neon tetra's. We had a major problem with it for a few days and finally realized that a fish was sucked up the filter some how and was sitting in the bottom of the filter causing major issues with the water. My husband and I emptied the tank fully and cleaned everything.. We added a cycled filter and water from the same cycled tank (125 gallon)

Now the tank is looking amazing and clear as can be.. However the poor betta didnt take well to the issues before it was sorted.. Took about 2-3 days before we actually figured out what was going on.. sigh.. Anyway he is losing his colour on his fins around his face and seems to enjoy hiding right now.. I dont know if I should just leave him and wait and see what happens or if there is anything I can add to the tank now to help him heal.. He is still coming up to eat and swimming around fine.. I dont know if he is hiding cause he enjoys the new "cave" my son added or what.. *shrugs*

I couldnt tell you the stats off hand but my husband tested about 2 days ago and told me all is fine.. He is the tester in the house.LOL

Anyway.. Some advice would be appreciated..

sounds like it might be stress as he has lost some color...and he uses the cave to hide out from the stress(maybe the tetras-sometimes they like to nip bettas fins or just harass them). give it a while and watch the tank closely. if tetras are nipping at him might be best to rehome him to his own tank, or divide the ten up and give him his own space.
Ahh.. okay that makes sense.. Poor guy looks so sad.. Maybe I will just take the neons and stick them in my 55 gallon so "fireball" can have a chance to recover from the stress without worrying about nipping..

thanks :)
that sounds like a good plan :good: let us know if any or no improvement after the neons are moved.

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