Sick Betta..advice


New Member
Mar 14, 2008
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Hi All

I have a sick betta on my hands... :sick: For the past couple of days, he has been swimming or just staying on the bottom of the tank. When he does move around he will dart around for a couple of seconds, then just collapse back to the bottom. He does have an appetite when he comes to the top to grab some air. Any suggestions?

His color has faded a bit. Right under his chin has become a little on the white side. his fins are in pretty good shape. I change the water once a week, using Novaqua as my water conditioner. Sometimes melafix if his fins become frayed. I'll add some aquarium salt. I tested the water and it seems i need to ad PH plus. Got some of that today and just changed the water. I do have a problem keeping the temp consistant. I have a heater in there, and the temp ranges from 76-78 on any give day.

2 1/2 gallon tank non filter

I personally wouldn't mess around with the Ph. By altering the Ph too rapidly you can cause Ph shock which can be fatal. What is your normal Ph?

I also think that water changes need to be done more frequently. I go for 100% twice a week.

The temp around 76/78 isn't too bad really, although 78 is better.

How old is he?
a couple of my old boys act like this, apart from feeding time when they get off their butts :hyper: could just be old age. I have lost 3 in the last 2 weeks but they were all my oldest fish, that were rescues so it wasnt unexpected.

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