Sick Angelfish


Fish Fanatic
Mar 28, 2003
Reaction score
Pittsburg, Pennsylvania
As I had posted before, I have one angelfish that has severe fin rot. I have since moved it to the hospital tank. :( I am treating with Kanacyn and Hex-a-mit. The problems lies in that the bubble filter has no biological so I have ammonia spikes in that tank which I know is not good for that sick fish. Since the medicines are an every-other day sort of thing, when I have to change water every day or almost twice a day the meds are going with it. Will someone give me a clue as to how they have set up the hospital tanks so that sick fish dont get sicker!!! Any tricks of the trade are welcome here as its been a guessing game for me :S
I have a small filter in my hospital tank and when the tank is vacant of patients i use it for storing live food (shrimps and guppies ect) which keep the bacteria alive,but you could just remove the media and keep it in the filter of your main tank so that when the hospital needs using you put in ready matured live media.
for your immediate situation try getting some ammo-block or some ammonia blocking agent from the fish shop.

In future, run a small filter in the aquarium to cycle it properly for quarantine purposes.

I agree with the other poster to keep a few livebearers or small fish in the quarantine tank at all keep it cycled..

I would not use feeder fish for this purpose as they often carry disease.

Also, in case you are interested favorite medication for finrot is Melaflex.. a tea tree oil based product that doesn't stress the biological filter and is very effective for angels and discus and indeed all fish.

The products you are using could be wiping out the healthy bacteria..

I am guessing that the "bubble up" filter is a box type filter that works of an air this right??

If so you can easily fix the bilogical filtration in it by doing the following.....

Take gravel from your established tank and place it in the media chamber of the bubble up filter. This will give you an instant biological colony in the filter!!!

Also you should take water from an established tank to use in the treatment tank!!

Most medications do not harm biological filters and will say so on the package!!

:nod: I am using a bubble up filter. Thank you so much for your advice as it was taken. As of today, I have no ammonia. It works quite quickly to add stones from my main tank to the hospital tank. I have also been using water from the main tank to supplement water changes since my well water is 7.6 and the main tank is 7.0. The new Angelfish though are used to 8.0, so I have a delimma in that also in trying to make it accommondate them too but not too quickly as to cause shock. I just want my fish to get better and its so hard to watch them feel so icky :/ and not be moving much.
Wanted to give an update on the fin rot angelfish. He is still alive and this is the 4th day into medicating the tank. Yesterday it showed some popeye symptoms, along with his tummy being swollen. He does eat bits but not much. He sure is hanging in there as sick as he is. The tank is being medicated with Melifix and Kanacyn tablets once a day. The temp in this tank is about 83 degrees. I do have slight ammonia spikes in control now since placing media from the main tank into the bubbler filter. 3 of the 4 Angels purchased on Monday are also in the same tank. One has since passed with no symptoms of anything. I know this will be my last attempt at raising Angelfish as I hate to see more die. This is my 4th attempt of fish from the same LFS and so far have spent more on healing the fish than I did the fish themselves.
think i would give up on that lfs rather than the angels. may be cm sould reccommend a reputable breeder who will ship to your area.


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