Sick Angelfish (pics)


Fish Fanatic
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
East London, England
I recently had an outbreak of whitespot and treated my tank with protozin, i just wondered if it could of stained my angelfish, all 4 seem to have a slight discolouration but one in paticular is worse

the top of hes head has gone a orange sort of colour, hes also got some in hes eye part of hes eye has gone like a orange colour also he does not look very well hes sat at the bottom of my tank and just floats into things, im worried about him

any ideas please


<--------------- This Angel seems ok, its the top picture
Not sure on the orange never heard of it before.
Is it fluffy looking or just a bleach out patch.
is the fish flicking and rubbing.
Can get yellow in the eyes usually mean organ failure.

A mod on the site called tolak good with angels might be worth pm him.

Can you blow the pics up, the orange does it have any red or white edges to it.
Hi Wilder

It looks more like a stain, hes not so much flicking hes just very still hes hiding behing a plant at the bottom of the tank at the moment

I fear the worst for him, he really does not look good and i have no quarentine tank

Any suggestions at all??
Strange, if you can issolate him you could try a bacerial med if the fish is not flicking and rubbing.
His eyes do they look cloudy or bulging out.
When you say the med could it of stained him was it orange.
No hes eyes look ok and dont look cloudy i noticed the stain on him around a week ago but put it down to the protozin as some of the other fish have a slight stain, but hes not eating and he seems off balance, hes upright and not swimming odly but hes just sort of floats up into things, i have a vase in the tank and he just swims into it

No the Med was not orange it was a blue liquid like a dye it stained my hand for a couple of days

Maybe im clutching at straws here but do you think that if i done some water changes it may help him or i bought some of that Aquarium treatment number 5 Liquisil i believe its called its a general tonic, or would anything like that be too much of a shock to him

Hmmm im really not sure what to do

Thanks for the link i have spoke to tolak a couple of times before maybe he might have a idea or 2
Is he bloated.
Does he swim to one side as that can be a sign of internal parasites to bacterial.
The tonic are not very good they a waste of money to be honest.
I first bought the tonic when I started the hobby, they said it was good for when adding new fish.

Garlic meant to stimulate a fish to eat.
Also good at boosting the fish immune system to help fight desease.
No hes not bloated and hes not swimming to one side, hes not really moving about at all, if anything hes acting like as if he was blind, but hes eyes look like the others they just look normal

i dont know if you can see to well but if you look at the first and second pics i posted and look at the top of hes head from hes mouth up to hes fin you can see an orange colour sort of like a stain it may not have anything to do with it but im unsure
Sorry hubby needed computor even though he got his own but it's very slow till it warms up.

I would see what tolak has to say.
I don't know to be honest what the orange stains are.
Never seen it before.
Good luck.
Ok my poor little angry man has died, which is very sad for me as he was one of the first fish i bought

Its worrying now because my other 3 Angels have the same stains although they at the moment are fine

RIP Little Angel :(

Thanks for your help Wilder
R.I.P. Bless him.
Does the orange stain look like it might be turning red.
Im pretty sure its orange or like a sort of brown/orange colour im pretty sure its not red or turning red, if it was red or might be red what would that imply?

And is there any measures i could take just incase?

Maybe a big water change i dunno??..
It would be easier if it was red as you could say bacterial to parasite.
I water change wouldn't harm.
Tolak online by the way.
I was looking at columaris as that can show in different colours, yellow, brown, white and grey, but not orange.

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