Sick African Dwarf Frog -Lumps/tumors


Mostly New Member
Mar 24, 2014
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Fish food catastrophe.  While I was away my friend dropped a whole container of fish food into our 20 gallon community tank, killing one of my two african dwarf frogs and 2 fish.  I have been trying to get the tank back to healthy (I was away for a month and a half and nothing beyond scooping out all the fish food from the surface was done before) but now I have noticed that my other ADF has started growing weird lumps on his chest and belly.  They almost look like blisters or tumors and the largest has ruptured and is now red.  They are definitely increasing in number and size, with the largest about 3/4 the size of a pea by his armpit. 
I have moved him to his own two gallon tank for quarenteen and treatment.  But I am not sure how to get rid of these growths.  He is less active than he used to be though still eating and moving around the tank with no struggle to get to the surface.
At the same time I am combating what I think is Ick in my 20 gallon community tank where he used to live.  Any ideas on what I can do for this guy?  Pictures wont attach.
Try uploading the pictures to a photo sharing website such as photo bucket and linking here.
What are the water parameters? (pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate) I would do a very large water change to get out all of the food if you havn't already.
This probably caused a spike in ammonia which might be the cause behind what is happening to your frog.
Does the fish you think have ick have what looks like grains of salt or sand on them? Or is it more fuzzy?
Let me get back to you on all the water stats. I just did another water change this morning but didnt get chance to get all the tests done (small baby with short naps :S) Hopefully this picture uploads of our fellow the frog. 
http://<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_20140628_131355625_zpsf6808d44.jpg"/></a>
With my sick platies, it isn't fuzzy nor does it look like grains of sand.  Both my males were a beautiful orange and turned somewhat paler with white areas around the front of their bellies and gills. There were some very small white patches on one's tail as well.  I was given advice to treat for Ick. They exhibited lethargy, their black markings turned a slightly more metalicy colour. They both still swim and eat but spent a lot more of their time hiding instead of following after the females as was their normal routine.  One of our guppies has also been harassing the Platies non stop.  There is no bloating, nothing fuzzy that I can see, no gasping.
I initally did a major water change and have been doing frequent smaller changes.  Skipped a week because realized I was sucking up fry and felt bad.

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