Sick Adf?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 20, 2010
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i introduced my 4 new ADFs to my 10 gallon yesterday. Apart from the fact that two have disappeared, one in particular is worrying me. He/she spent yesterday constantly at the front of the tank, swimming about which i thought was odd. They also went up for air very very frequently, whereas the others went perhaps once an hour or two hours and spent the rest of the time hiding. i haven't seen the active potentially sick adf so far this morning, but is it likely that he/she is sick? What should i do?
ok just a few questions to try and narrow some stuff down for you :)

1) how long has your tank been set up?
2) how did you cycle your tank?
3) how did you acclimate the frogs?
4) what are your current water stats - - Temperature, Ammonia (very important!), Nitrite (very important!), and Nitrate?
5) what else is in the tank? (fish? etc)
6) How strong is the current in the tank?
7) how many hiding places do they have - - ADF need LOTS of hiding places to feel secure and become brave in the home aquarium.
1) Tank has been set up for just over 6 weeks. The first critters went in yesterday.
2) i cycled fishless, with the plants in, used betta food.
3) over around 45 minutes or more, adding around 5% of their containers water of tank water every 5 minutes. They were active and looked very healthy while i was observing them and did not go up very often, they mainly remained at the bottom of the container. i then lowered the container into the tank and let them swim out. They hung out for a while and had all hidden within an hour except for this one.
4) Temp: 26 degrees C, Ammonia: 0, Nitrites: 0, Nitrates: 15-20 ppm. Same as before i introduced them.
5) There are the 4 adfs and also 2 amano shrimp.
6) The filter is 105 gph, does that answer the q? Probably not. i'm not sure about that one to be honest, sorry. Tell me how to work it out and i will. It's a trickle filter and i didn't think it was too strong but i do since one of my shrimp got sucked up it (i found it, he/she is fine). i'm going to get some kind of mesh to stop it happening again. The light is only 11W (1.1 wpg) but i only have low light plants and they seem fine.
7) There are two big tunnels with hiding places which i never knew existed, the anubias nana is pretty dense and also provides hiding places, although they don't seem keen. One adf has taken up residence in the smaller tunnel, he hides round a corner and emerges rarely. The other two seem to be hanging out in the larger tunnel which also has plant roots through it which they are hiding in. The other one i think is also in there at the mo, but yesterday didn't hide at all. Which worried me.
i didn't see him/her all day yesterday, so either they were hiding or they really were sick... 3 came out last night and swam about the tank, hung about etc. but i couldn't see the 4th. Should i be worried? Is there anything really bad about my answers above? i know my pH is really low... i'm not sure how to change it, or whether i should now that they're in there.
Have only seen one shrimp for quite a while as well, checked the filter, it's not there. Did see an exoskeleton last night though, is it likely then that it is hiding away while it sheds? How long should i wait before i send out the search parties?
Thanks for all your help.
Panic over. (Though i seem to be talking to myself! :unsure: ) They have settled in fine and all are doing well. Not sure about the 7th shrimp but hopefully it will turn up. It's hard to keep track.
Also, it turns out, now that i have a more accurate water testing kit, that instead of around 6, my pH is 7.4. Interesting!

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