"Siblings" for my yo-yo


I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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I've had this yo-yo loach for a few years now (I think he's one of my oldest fish), and he's a peaceful fish...just hyperactive!

I recently read that they do better when there are a few of them. My cories will occasionally swim around with him, but he still "bugs" the other fish sometimes. It's never aggressive...it's more like pestering them.

My problem is the yo-yo's in the lfs are probably about half his size. (He's grown so much since I've had him...I can't even read the "yo-yo" in his stripes anymore) I wonder if he would just pick on such little yo-yo's, or if they would even hang out with him since he is so much bigger than they are. Any help is much appreciated.
I dunno...I've heard that larger Yo-yos will pick on smaller ones. :/ I believe they like to be with others that are close to their own size.

This is the only reason I've decided against getting more. I had two Yo-yos that grew fairly large in the short time I had them, and then one mysteriously died. Now the only ones I can find in the pet stores are half the remaining one's size. I was thinking of getting two more, and letting them grow big and strong in a seperate tank, then eventually put them together with my big guy. Dunno how that would work, but at least they would all be about the same size. :/

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