Siamese Fighters Nesting Habits


New Member
Jan 27, 2012
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my siamese fighters have built a bubble nest in the corner of the tank. Although the female goes to it sometimes the male is guarding it  from her & other fish in the tank.  my question is does he do anything other than guard it and couls I gently move it into a baby holder
I would be grateful for any advice please..
Are you trying to breed them or...? Just keeping them together?
If they're in the same tank for anything other than breeding it's asking for trouble. A male builds bubble nests out of instinct, and won't be offended if you remove it. It's just what males do. Make a nest, guard it from intruders, and scope out females.
Thanks for the reply, we are not breeding them, just a pair we bought and at the time were told they would be ok together and of course now we know different.  they are now wrapping around so we are watching them avidly and will whip out the female as soon as he starts chasing her and then see what happens,  thanks again P 
unless they've been specially acclimatised to each other and put together just for mating, which is usually done after lots of research,  i would separate them before they tear each other apart, dont wait for signs of trouble because they will probably do it whilst your asleep at night and you will regret not separating them earlier
They have been together now for almost 5 months with no trouble .....
pm1948 said:
They have been together now for almost 5 months with no trouble .....
Well, I've never heard of keeping males and females together lasting for more than six months so... the time may be up.
so I would be better putting him in my other tank
If they are wrapping round each other they are breeding and he will be guarding eggs. As soon as they finish wrapping and he chases her, remove her! He will tear her to shreds if she's left in there while he has eggs. Plus, you need to remove the male from the tank once the babies reach the free swimming stage. Some males can be left with the babies but most will eat them if you don't know what to do whilst leaving the male in there.
Thank you all so much this has helped me so much  <3

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