Hi everyone,
I have a newish tank which is stocked with Neons, 2 x Kribensis, 1 x Gourami, 3 x Rainbow Tetra and 2 x Siamese Fighters. The male Siamese Fighter seems to be starting to build a nest just above the filter in the tank and the female Fighter has started to show alot more colouring. What I want to ask is, does this mean that my Fighters are going to breed, or is this something that they do now and again and doesn't necessarily mean that they are going to. Also I know that I may have to remove the female incase the male turns nasty on her, but what will this mean to my community tank. In other words are my other fish in danger as well or will the male leave them alone. So far, he has got on with the other fish with no problems and I am hoping that this development will not affect my setup. This seems to have all kicked off since I read one of the older articles and built a home made moonlighting kit (not that I am blaming anyone here lol). But if this is so, then it sure goes to show what a great addition a moonlight can be to a tank. Any advice on this will be greatfully received.
Many thanks
I have a newish tank which is stocked with Neons, 2 x Kribensis, 1 x Gourami, 3 x Rainbow Tetra and 2 x Siamese Fighters. The male Siamese Fighter seems to be starting to build a nest just above the filter in the tank and the female Fighter has started to show alot more colouring. What I want to ask is, does this mean that my Fighters are going to breed, or is this something that they do now and again and doesn't necessarily mean that they are going to. Also I know that I may have to remove the female incase the male turns nasty on her, but what will this mean to my community tank. In other words are my other fish in danger as well or will the male leave them alone. So far, he has got on with the other fish with no problems and I am hoping that this development will not affect my setup. This seems to have all kicked off since I read one of the older articles and built a home made moonlighting kit (not that I am blaming anyone here lol). But if this is so, then it sure goes to show what a great addition a moonlight can be to a tank. Any advice on this will be greatfully received.
Many thanks