Siamese Fighters Breeding


Fish Fanatic
Jan 13, 2006
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Hi everyone,
I have a newish tank which is stocked with Neons, 2 x Kribensis, 1 x Gourami, 3 x Rainbow Tetra and 2 x Siamese Fighters. The male Siamese Fighter seems to be starting to build a nest just above the filter in the tank and the female Fighter has started to show alot more colouring. What I want to ask is, does this mean that my Fighters are going to breed, or is this something that they do now and again and doesn't necessarily mean that they are going to. Also I know that I may have to remove the female incase the male turns nasty on her, but what will this mean to my community tank. In other words are my other fish in danger as well or will the male leave them alone. So far, he has got on with the other fish with no problems and I am hoping that this development will not affect my setup. This seems to have all kicked off since I read one of the older articles and built a home made moonlighting kit (not that I am blaming anyone here lol). But if this is so, then it sure goes to show what a great addition a moonlight can be to a tank. Any advice on this will be greatfully received.
Many thanks
well for starters i dont think your meant to have 2 bettas in one tank. even male and female.

anyway..... the thing ive found with Bettas is there actually pussys when it comes down to it.

people think there hard as nails cos of the words fighting fish but they get harrased by jus about everyone, including neons.

jus keep an eye on them all and aslong as your bettas arent sittin on top of the filter all day then youll probably be ok.
Hi gizmo001i,

Sam is correct with regards to keeping Males & Females together, Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta's) should really only be put together for breeding.

If you are interested in trying to breed your Betta's, take a look Here

Best Regards

What size tank are they in? I'd recommend you removing both bettas into seprate containers because they aren't compatible with the fish you have and you are not suppost to have a male and female or male and male in the same tank because they will fight and possibly kill each other.
Many thanks for your replies. I have had no problems with the fighters and my other fish, but can se the point about the male and female being together. The thing is I blame my lfs, as I specifically asked if it would be ok to have the male and female together or if it would be best just to have the male on it's own. I think you can guess the answer I got. I will see about removing the female to another tank and take it from there, whilst keeping an eye on all my other fish incase any trouble does start with the male fighter.
I'm into real fighter bettas. Check this out I have a breeding section there it might help you.
If you're going to leave one, i'd leave the female and remove the male to a separate container.
I got my male and female to breed and he placed all the eggs in the bubble nest he made,however the eggs kept falling out and eventualy i think he gave up and the bubble nest started to fall apart anyway.Not quite sure why,twice that happened.

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