Siamese Fighter Problems


New Member
Mar 27, 2007
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Hi all,

On my third Fighter at the moment. The first died after 2 days, the next after 1 day. I went back to the shop and they have tested my water which was ok. The third seems ok (Had him 3 days now) but keeps hanging around the filter and not moving much. I noticed in the shop that they had mirrors in the tanks should I have one on my tank? All other fish are ok. These Siamese seem hard to keep or is it just me.

he may just be stressed out in that tank.
they don't do well in mixed communities, especially not with dwarf gouramis, and angels can be bullys too.
it could also be that the stock you bought these fish from was not the best in the first place.
Actually, they are one of the easier fish to keep.

What size tank do you have him in?
What else is in the tank?
What type filtration do you have?
Is it heated and what is the temperature?
When you say the shop told you your water was ok, did they actually give you readings (numbers)?

I suspect the problem is ammonia. If not, then there is something in the tank that is causing the problem. You should get yourself a good liquid master test kit so you can do your own tests. If not, the next time you take water to the LFS, tell them you want the actual readings, not that the water is OK. A lot of the LFS employees really aren't very knowledgable, especially those that work in the chain pet stores that also sell fish.
pop him in a smaller tank on his own! ive had mine for nearly 2weeks now in a smalish cube tank with a filter and he's spot on! swims about all day and eats his food when given! and occasionally i put a mirrors next to the tank which he flares at for a while :good:

try one in a smaller tank then you know that if its ok its just your tank they dont like
Hi all,

On my third Fighter at the moment. The first died after 2 days, the next after 1 day. I went back to the shop and they have tested my water which was ok. The third seems ok (Had him 3 days now) but keeps hanging around the filter and not moving much. I noticed in the shop that they had mirrors in the tanks should I have one on my tank? All other fish are ok. These Siamese seem hard to keep or is it just me.


its best not to put a mirror next to the fighter as it might get a bit angry, in the shops it looks like its got a mirror but its just the water making it look like a mirror.
when i first got into fishkeeping i too decided to take the risk of putting a fighter ina community tank... each one i got died( 2 in total) i then got a lil 5.5g for a seperate betta and all have lived very happily ( first died after 13 months..currently on second)

i think they just get stressed out in a com. tank and they cant scare the other fish off/away much as they are much advise either getting a seperate tank or giving the fish back to shop/ a friend.:)
males do much better on there own, maybe get him a small 5 gal to himself, also what test did the LFS do? pH? ammonia? nitrate? nitrite?

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