Siamese Fighter Help


New Member
Mar 13, 2013
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My siamese fighting fish is spending almost all the time just sitting on the tank floor if uve read my other post u will know hes recently had his fins badly damaged by another fish i just wanted to know if hes ok or is he near death i do hope not but dont know what to do any help very greatfully recieved
Thanks in advance
For other readers, this is the thread link
Have you moved the other fish and left the betta alone in the 19 litre?
He will be very stressed from having to share such a small tank with unsuitable fish, and from the damage to his fins. The best thing you can do now is change half his water every day, making sure the new water is dechlorinated and at the same temperature as the water you take out. So long as there is no sign of an infection (white or red edges to the damaged area) that should be enough to let the fins regrow. If the wounds do become infected, you'll need to treat that. As you're in the UK, I would try either myxazin by Waterlife or eSHa 2000. When my last betta's fins were damged and he got finrot, I used eSHa 2000 and daily water changes; it did take 2 courses of treatment to stop the finrot getting worse, then I just used water changes alone while the fins regrew.
Yes i moved the other fish today changed half his water and got some api melafix i beleve it was the mollie and killi fish thst were attacking him now his on his own i hope he pulls through i hate to see things suffer
Be careful using melafix, a lot of people report problems with melafix and labyrinth fish like bettas and gouramis. Use it at half strength and keep an eye on him. Be prepared to do a 100% water change if it disagrees with him.

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