Siamese fighter compatibility


Fish Crazy
May 1, 2004
Reaction score
Lowestoft, U.K
will a siamese fighter (betta splenden) be compatible with 4 pearl gourami , 4 black phantom tetra , a pakistani loach and two sharks, a ruby shark and a golden shark
please tell me :crazy:
I'm not sure about all the fish you listed, but definitely no :no: to the gouramis, as they are the same species.
I do have 2 phantom black tetras in with mine and it seems to be ok.
How big is your tank by the way?
Bettas are pretty happy just being by themselves. You cannot put them in with anything colorful as they will go after it thinking it's one of them.
hopefully, someone else will know about the loaches and sharks. Good luck.

Is a ruby shark the same as a rainbow shark? If so, you could have problems straight off as rainbow sharks will not tolerate other sharks unless it's a very big tank, like hundreds of gallons.

What are the other sharks you meation? If they are balas, you will also have problems there unless your tank is at least 6 feet long.

Sorry, not a nice way to welcome you but I mean well.

:fish: ~Dana~ :fish:
Hi bettasplendenlover! As the others have said, most sharks will probably need a bigger tank, and bettas and gouramis don't mix. Perhaps you could get a one or two gallon tank to keep the betta in?
Hi bettasplendenlover :)

Welcome to the forum. :cool:

I think I will move your thread. You will most likely get more replies in the Betta and Gourami forum.
Well after reading so much from these forums it seems to me that sometimes is just LUCK, some people have manage to kept the 2 together with no problem, while others ended up with casualties. Same as with the male guppies some Bettas think they are bettas and bye bye guppy but in some cases they get along just fine.

If you really want to try it. Put it in the fact and put a close eye on them and see what happens any aggression and take him out. If nothing bad happens LUCKY YOU.

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