Siamese Algae Eaters


New Member
Aug 26, 2009
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Any one have experience with this fish?

Care level?

Im hoping to get one to deal with my algae problem
Any one have experience with this fish?

Care level?

Im hoping to get one to deal with my algae problem

I have a Flyying fox. I wanted a SAE but could not find one. What I have read are they are the best at cleaning algae of all kinds great at eating it off plants. Good for a peaceful community tank. They are pretty hardy. Need to be fed algae wafers or other food.

My flying fox does a great job at cleaning the leaves of plants WHEN HE FEELS like it. I would expect the SAE to do a much better job.
Any one have experience with this fish?

Care level?

Im hoping to get one to deal with my algae problem

My sister has them in with goldfish and she does nothing to them she ignores them lol they are supposed to be quite aggressive but look them up on google
Excellent workers at algae eating but only while young. As soon as they get to realise that it is far less work eating the food you give them they don't bother with algea anymore.
I had 3 at one time and they constantly bickered between themselves especially at grub time. I rehomed 2 and the remaining one lived out a happy life.

The best algae eater is precaution. Find the source kill the problem. :good:
Some of the best algae eaters out there. Get a good size, very peaceful fish, great cleaners.
Be careful not to mix them up with the chinese algae eater, which looks very closely like the siamese. Chinese algae eaters are very territorial, can and most probably will eat your fish... But they are a good cleaner and get to a good size, I only find chinese algae eaters to be a good fish to have for a few months, once they get to a certain size the territorial side of them will begin to show, and your fish will begin to disappear one by one.

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