Hello all, I'm posting this here because I figured this fish would be a primary for lots of people with planted tanks.
I'm down to the last thing on the Black Beard Algae (other than a chemical treatment)...This stuff is like a disease. I've got it down from spreading very quickly, my other plants are doing great, but it just won't die all the way. I know it'll pop back up as soon as I do a water change or dose anything but flourish excel. I've been through about every possible action, but I won't go into detail. Some SAEs are my lost hope, because I don't want to treat with copper and kill all my plant cleaning snails and shrimp.
Of course, I can't find SAE's anywhere locally, even via having the shops ordering, so I need somewhere I could drive to within like a few hours or get reliable shipping with a guarantee they are really SAEs. This would include Western, VA pretty much as a driving distance.
Thanks all.
I'm down to the last thing on the Black Beard Algae (other than a chemical treatment)...This stuff is like a disease. I've got it down from spreading very quickly, my other plants are doing great, but it just won't die all the way. I know it'll pop back up as soon as I do a water change or dose anything but flourish excel. I've been through about every possible action, but I won't go into detail. Some SAEs are my lost hope, because I don't want to treat with copper and kill all my plant cleaning snails and shrimp.
Of course, I can't find SAE's anywhere locally, even via having the shops ordering, so I need somewhere I could drive to within like a few hours or get reliable shipping with a guarantee they are really SAEs. This would include Western, VA pretty much as a driving distance.
Thanks all.