Siamese Algae Eater


Fish Fanatic
Apr 8, 2006
Reaction score
St. Louis, MO
I went to 3 lfs's today trying to get a Siamese Algae Eater but I couldn't find one. So they ended up selling me a golden algae eater which I assume is just a regular algae eater but just golden. I'm not really sure at this point if that was a good idea or not. What is the differences from the SAE and the golden one? I have live plants in my tank so I have to take that into consideration. Would a SAE and golden algae eater be alright in the same tank? I know the golden one can get pretty big is that the only difference?
The golden is a colour variety of the chinese algae eater - a very different fish to a SAE.
It's a standard 55 gallon tank.

Any suggestions?

The golden algae eater seems to be very active and eating off the glass currently. Right now its about 1 in to 1 1/2 in long. I know it can grow to be pretty big. I have some tetras and gouramis in the tank currently. I'm planning on getting some molly's and either red tail or rainbow shark.
Yes I know I don't want it but I already have it. Should I try to return it to the lfs?

What would be a good replacement for it? I'm looking for some good community bottom feaders. Something that will eat algae but not uproot plants.
BN's don't eat off plants like SAE's do though. If only someone could make a hybrid :p
Return the CAE. It will cause you trouble down the line. Oto's, SAE's, small plecos. SH

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