Shy Tiger...


Fish Crazy
Apr 8, 2006
Reaction score
Staffordshire, UK
I brought a new tiger pleco yesterday 8) very funky fish, but hes been shy and stiking to the underside of a rock... anything i can do to entice him out?

Or just leave him to settle in..
Just give him some time to settle in he should come out. What else do you have in the tank and how long is the plec??
I think that you need to give the pleco a month and a bit to settle in. It took my royal pleco 3 months to over come being shy. Try putting some cucumber in your tank, plecos love that! I use a screwcumber that are easily available on ebay to make it sink.
with him there are 4 neons, he is only about 2" long at the moment and yea i fed him sum cucumber, i put the corner under the rock and it stays at the bottom after a whilsed, hes gona be moved to my new tank as soon as its finished cycling, sand bottom and plenty more cover from plants and stuff, but the cucumber had sum nibble marks :D
Mine is very shy and i've had him about 2 months, he never comes out when the lights are on.
I think mine came out last night as the cucumber was munched a little, but when i went in the room the tank is he was out, but as soon as i came near he darted back and stuck himself to the underside of a rock :X he needs to be more manly :D

oh and could someone tell me how to sex a tiger pleco...?

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