Shy Shrimp


Fish Gatherer
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
St Albans, UK
i have 2 amano shrimp, and in the last 3 weeks they've gone into hiding
when i first got them they were all over the place, teasing my betta, taking algae from my hand
but now i only see them if i lift their favourite piece of bogwood.
i know they've been shedding, the last shed i saw was about 2 and a half weeks ago.

i need to do a parameters check but all my test kits have expired (gah!) but nothing in the tank has changed, except i had to add two dwarf corys 2 days ago (they prefer sand, and they were in a gravel tank and not loving it), but they were shy before that. i've had them for about 3 months now.

edit: came home to find a nice clean shed, but the shrimp still in hiding. they used to be fine and out and about with the lights on, but now only seem to come out with them off.

this is their tank
It could be they're feeling a little insecure. Like lots of small animals, shrimp are often scared of open spaces, and they can be quite reclusive if you have less than 4 or so. I'd suggest buying a few more plants (especially ones that provide surface cover like dwarf hairgrass), and perhaps a couple more amanos to give them some company. I keep a group of 5 amanos, and they're all quite active. :)

Another thing I've found -- I had a problem with my filter a little while ago, and amanos tend to become listless and very apathetic if the water quality isn't good enough. What filter media are you using...?
It could be they're feeling a little insecure. Like lots of small animals, shrimp are often scared of open spaces, and they can be quite reclusive if you have less than 4 or so. I'd suggest buying a few more plants (especially ones that provide surface cover like dwarf hairgrass), and perhaps a couple more amanos to give them some company. I keep a group of 5 amanos, and they're all quite active. :)

Another thing I've found -- I had a problem with my filter a little while ago, and amanos tend to become listless and very apathetic if the water quality isn't good enough. What filter media are you using...?

a good point xan.

i notice you have a few plants in there, not many i know. high O2 is a must for most inverts, perhaps a spray bar of a couple of powerful airstones, they need the power, because its mostly the surface disruption they cause that adds the O2/
it's been a bit trial and error with plants in this tank, the lights just don't quite cut it and theres no way of modifying it
the filter is basically the whole of the back of the tank, with sponge and old charcoal thing. it's a mirabello 7.5 us gallon tank.
i would add an airstone, but the lid is hinged with no holes for wires to go through (it's all integral through the lid, heater, filter, light everything). and the only way to get proper surface movement is to have the water level annoyingly low. you can't see it, but i have the filter as high as i can without blowing the poor old betta round in circles, the surface does move, but it doesn't get broken by the filter, if you know what i mean?

*glares at crap expensive tank*

i want to get more plants for this and my other tanks so might make a trip up to wildwoods on sunday. if they have any amanos up there i'll maybe get another, with the tank not really being that big, i don't want to cram them in there.
Check Maidenhead Aquatics for Amanos, they do them quite cheap although they are a bit younger.

My amanos sometimes go shy for a while too although nothing's changed in the tank. Not sure what it is. Perhaps they are being careful near moulting time.
maidenhead was where i got these two as well. i'll do the enfield tour!
I didn't see any amanos when I went last week but ask them to check. They had some lovely tiny pygmaeus & habrosus cories though :D

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