Shy Rams


Fish Crazy
Dec 13, 2008
Reaction score
Just Outside Cardiff, Wales
Hey guys,
Picked up a couple (1m 1f)of bolivian rams on saturday and have real trouble with feeding them, they dont surface for flake and shy away and hide whenever I get near the tank! They also dont come up for cychlid pellet/stick things i bought! Is there anyway to encourage them to come up? If I feed bloodworm they'll happily feed off it from the bottom they just dont seem to come up to surface for food :unsure:

Only tankmates are 6 guppys and some neons

Any advice?
try sinking pellets,brine shrimp things like that they may eat the flake when it sinks how long have youy had them ???
It takes Rams a couple of weeks to get really comfortable with the owner. Once they are comfortable, they excitedly greet you at feeding time.
Yeah I agree...just give them some time. Also, you may just want to check your water stats to make sure that everything is looking all right. Granted, there probably isn't any correlation between them not eating and poor water stats...but it might increase the time it takes for them to relax and get accustom to the new tank.
try sinking pellets,brine shrimp things like that they may eat the flake when it sinks how long have youy had them ???
Yeah as I said theyre fine at eating the bloodworm and other sinking foods, they seem to search around the tank after bits off the substrate, a lot of the time picking up a piece of small gravel suck it a bit and spitting it back out lol. they've only been in for 5 days so far so still settling in i guess, il keep an eye on them to make sure they are eating :good:

Coadea, afaik stats are all ok, will double check them tonight though and report back if any problems!
just a quick Q i got a jewel cichlid tday and he is in a 25 gal on his own he was bright red in the LFS but seems a dull colour now all stats are at 0 for ammonia and nitrite and nitrate is at around 20 could this be due to him settling in and still being a little stressed same with a salvini in my 50gal he went in yday has a bit more colour in him

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