Shy Plec


Jul 11, 2009
Reaction score
I've a 6" Plec for over 6 months now and it always hides if it knows I'm nearby. Is this normal?

Aside from removing the slate it hides behind, is there any way to stop this behaviour? btw Tempting him out with food doesn't work.
It's completely normal, plecs are Night feeders and aren't seen much out in he day. The thing that worked for me to see them out just a little more was add an area with lots of code so he felt more secure knowing that he could retreat to that corner when felt threatened
Most plecs I find are like that. They are a more of a noctunral fish so getting a really good look at them during the day can be a challenge. I wouldn't remove too many caves/hiding places as plecs like to ave some caves, if they dont have such a place they could start getting a bit stressed.
OK, thanks for your replies. I'll just leave him be. I'm afraid I don't know what type he is, I got him/her off 'fishprotector' another member on here. If he's reading maybe he can answer.

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