Shy Oscar Fish


New Member
Dec 30, 2012
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soo i recently bought 2 baby oscars both about 3.5 inches one regular and one albino the regular is very energetic and glad to see me but the albino always hides and is very shy>>> is anything wrong?? they both eat well but actually the albino only eats about 550% of the time and they have a diet of bloodworms,guppies, and greens , and hikari chiclid pellets... does this mean anything?? is anything wrong???

sorry i mant 50%
are you feeding them guppes from a local fish store, or your own bred feeder guppies? but the feeder fish at stores (guppes, common goldfish etc.) are usually high in fat and have some kind of chemical (i forgot the name :/) that messes up the metabolism? (can anyone be more specific?)
Aside from it being debatable as to whether it is ethical to feed live fish or not, as Questions pointed out there are a number of risks involved with shop bought feeder fish, one of the most concerning being any infections/diseases/infestations brought in by the feeder fish.

Could you give us more information about your tank please? What size is it, how long has it been running for, how long have you had the oscars for, what are your tank stats?etc. The more information you can give us the better :)
Oscars are great fish with awsome personalities! I've had a few over the years. One thing I noticed with my oscars is they can pout, throw temper tantrums, and generally act like a 2 year old. But to be sure you just have a shy fish, it would really help to know the water stats and size of the tank.

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