Shy Golden Sucking Loach - R.I.P.


Aug 5, 2005
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Woking, England
I got given a golden sucking loach (Gyrinocheilus Ayononieri) He was being bullied in a multiple tank from 'pets at home' (personally I would never buy a fish from here but I help them out when their fish get ill). He is now back to health but they won't have him back. He is currently in my community tank (yes I know these can get aggressive with age) however, at the moment he is very very timid...hiding everywhere! I have actually grown quite attached to the little guy but would like to see him from time to time! I am hoping though that as he is very timid he will not be as aggressive as this breed is known. Any ideas for making him more comfortable? If he is hiding I fear he may be stressed and that's not good for him so...?? I have a reasonably well-planted aquarium with a castle and holed out rocks that he just loves hiding in. Thing is...I am actually beginning to believe that he is burrying under the gravel as he is at times completely invisible!
Any ideas!?!
I have one in my community tank too - and I think around the 3.5" size. I've had him for approx 2 years now and he does a fabulous job of cleaning algae - he's the only fish in my tank (though I have several other catfish) who actively swims around most of the day cleaning the glass and decor and leaves. I watch him like a hawk though and should the day come that he becomes aggressive, I will take action.
I know many people hate and almost fear these fish - but I see nothing wrong with having them in a community tank for a good few years. It's not ideal to have to rehome fish when they get too large for a tank or become a problem, but lets be honest - how many people buy fish and keep them for the entire lives and upgrade tanks to whatever size the fish might one day need.
Not many :no:
But as to your "problem" - I think it might just be your fish's individual personality.
It sounds like you have a fairly well planted tank with lots of hiding place so it really shouldn't be a problem. Or do you have any fish in the tank that bullies him ?
No the other fish basically ignore him! He came out for about ten minutes just now...which was wonderful to see! I do so love him (he shall be my squishy syndrome!) All my fish have their own wierd and wonderfully uniques personalities (although at times it would appear that they are ALL COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY INSANE - but then with me as their owner who can balme them!! I love that this one is a bit more timid to an extent but it would be nice to see him a bit more.
I have to say though that at the moment my two week old baby suckermouth catfish (Claude) is doing a much better job at cleaning the tank the Orion (the golden sucking loach!)
Is there any chance of a picture of your older g.s.l.? I'd love to see what Orion will look like!
Thanks very much for your input! Much appreciated!
:wub: :fun: :wub:
xxSarahxx said:
Is there any chance of a picture of your older g.s.l.? I'd love to see what Orion will look like!
Here's a pic of the little piglet ! :lol:
Edit: he used to be bright yellow but as he's grown, it sort of became patchy - and now he (she?) only has lighter yellow splodges :)

Edit: he used to be bright yellow but as he's grown, it sort of became patchy - and now he (she?) only has yellow splodges :)

hi Bloozoo

u say your loach used to be 'bright yellow', think u solved my identification problem :cool:

Sir Minnion, u can now say 'i told u so' :rofl: :rofl:
seffieuk said:
EEdit: he used to be bright yellow but as he's grown, it sort of became patchy - and
u say your loach used to be 'bright yellow', think u solved my identification problem :cool:

Haha how funny ! :D
Thanks so much all! Thanks for the pic of piglet as well.
I'm pleased to announce that Orion came out for just over ten minutes yesterday and was shyly looking around (the joy of bloodworm lured him out of his castle - his favourite hiding place I think!) He did still take lots of cover under the filter...but he could be seen for a while!
Bless him! He is so lovely and piglet actually looks like a beauty so fingers crossed Orion will soon become to big too hide away as much as he does and will show off a bit more!
Thanks again all.
:thumbs: :wub: :thumbs:
I don't believe it..........
I just looked into the tank to see if I could spot him again and my Orion has died.
Maybe his unusual behaviour last night was because he wasn't well again.
He wasn't in isolation anymore so don't know if I need to be concerned about my other fish????
I can't believe he's gone.
Oh Dear ! :crazy: :-(
I must say the behaviour didn't sound the "norm" for these loaches, but then again you never can tell....
Do you have a test kit and have you checked any of your water parameters lately ? Nitrate, Nitrite, PH & Ammonia ?
I'm really not sure what a dark belly could indicate to - perhaps constipation ? :dunno: Any other external signs ? What about the other fish in your tank ? Do not medicate unless you know what (or if even) you are dealing with a disease here.
Thanks for looking Bloozoo2. I won't medicate as I'm against it where possible. No other external signs. My water test was all perfect so don't think it was anything there. I was wondering constipation I have to admit.
All the other fish in that tank are absolutely fine. No problems at all or changes in behaviour. So hopefully it was a one off.
A lot of these fish have been dying in the place where I got him from (as I got him as he was being bulied) so maybe it was just one of those things? It's still really difficult though. I've not lost a fish before.

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