shy fish?


New Member
Mar 12, 2004
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Why do my fish swim everywhere when the lights off and hide when the lights on? :*)

Oh and how do i treat constipation? :whistle:
I'm not sure how to treat constipation. :no:

However, do the fish dash to a hiding place when you turn on the lights and then stay there, or do they just go there and eventually come out?

What type of fish, light, light intensity, and gravel color are in this tank?
What type of fish do you have? How big is your tank and how much light do you have? Often when fish hide it is because they are stressed by something. This could be that it is too bright for them. I feed the fish vegetable matter like algae wafers or a blanched (boiled or steamed until soft) cucumber or something along those lines. HTH :)
I have bala's, tetras and corys. They have never been like this and i have had the tank set up for 6months now?

My tanks gravel is neutral colours and the light is 15W, 20 uk gallons.

They dash and hide if its too bright what can i do temporarily?

I have no idea!

cheers for replying!

oh and im re homing the balas as i know they grow to be huge!
my fish dont seem to like the bright light either, i used window tint and put it along the top part of plexi glass, dims the light nicely and my fish dont mind it, but i think fish get used to the light after a while as long as you use it regularly
My fish have done this when the nitrate or nitrite level is high. What are your level current levels like? It might give you a hint about what is going on specially if this is not normal behaviour for these fish and they are not new to the tank. :)
Oh and how do i treat constipation?
For you, or the fish? :lol:

The best treatment for fish constipation I've found is to feed them blanched and peeled sweet peas.

Some fish don't seem to like peas, though. My neon tetras and cories will eat them, though (and platys seem to go mad over them).

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