Shy Corys...

Ben M

Formerly pest control
Jul 22, 2009
Reaction score
East Yorkshire
hi, i have 4 Corydoras copei (i think), but i never see them. they are constantly sitting under the plants at the back of my tank, and i only see them at feeding time. i intend to get another few if they get some more in the shop, but is there anything else i can do to make them more confident?

cheers :good:
what else is in the tank? could they be wary of anything........?

i have about 20 corys in my species tank and hardly ever see them, i put this down to them being in the garage and not really getting much interaction with people.

a few more mat bring them out more and become more playfull as long as there is nothing trying to attack them
thanks, i thought that it might be something to do with the kribs, and that sounds like what it must be. the other fish i have don't ever go near them. i have kuhlis, serpae's, cardinals, rummynoses, harlequins, copper harlequins, SEA's and otto's. i'm going to have to get rid of the kribs i think, as they do occasionally chase the corys. it's just really hard finding someone to take them.

cheers :good:
yeah it will be the kribs mate, as you will probably know they are/can be very nasty fish and have been known to rip eyes out of corys etc...

no wonder the corys arent coming out!!!!!!!!
thanks, i'm trying to get rid of them, but my parents have suddenly decided that it is mean giving away a fish, as they think that it has trusted me as it's owner for over a year, and might end up in a tiny tank.

cheers :good:
Of course the corys might end up blind..... That just might be a good reason to get another tank. ;)
thanks, i've been trying for ages to persuade my parents to let me have another tank, but it's not going to happen. :( now when i ask they either totally blank me, or say that they don't want another tank. they don't seem to understand that i do. i'm going to have to persuade my parents to let me get rid of the kribs.

cheers :good:
try and find some pics of corys with eyes missing and show then and say its cruel to keep the krib with them, im sure someone posted some once! that might work towards the 2nd tank..... :hey:
i under stand where you are coming from parents can be so...blaaa,for my birthday i got a 30 gallon tank in November and had a 10gallon so it was a nice upgrade well little did i know they were making me get rid of my 10 gallon,so what i did to keep the 10 gallon longer was i pretended that i couldn't put a lot of fish in my 30 gallon because it wasn't fully cycled,(its been fully cycled since January 4th :shifty: ) till finally my dad said tax day your 10 gallon shuts down so finally i shut it down put the rest of the fish in the 30 gallon,but during this whole episode i counter attacked them by starting a 2.5 gallon (a hospital or nursery tank.

lesson learned hear compromise pick and choose your battles with your parents,

Good luck :good: :good:
thanks, i've tried loads for another tank, but it'll never happen in the foreseeable future. if i say that they can't be kept together they just say, well why did you get them then?

cheers :good:
Ya I know how it feels to have a parent who don't think its a good idea to have multiple tanks. The way I was able to get multiple tanks was that I involved my mom in fish keeping. Now that she likes fish, she's more willing to let me get other tanks and improve my current one. It's something that my mom and I can do together, we make it a group effort to maintain her tank and my tank.
hi, i'd try getting my mum interested, but it'll never work. if i ever mention anything about fish, she just walks off. my dad thinks it's hilarious to, whenever i say anything about fish, say 'don't mention fish unless it's followed by chips'. it was funny the first time, but when he says it like 10 times a day it gets really boring. i think it's a good idea for someone who has decent parents though. :good:

cheers :good:
It's not just parents, its husbands too! I'm allowed one tank only ...I just made sure it was as big as I could get away with :rolleyes:
It's also home space too! I have the largest room in my house but the way my furniture is arranged, I can only comfortably fit a 10 gallon in my room and we just moved so I don't even have a dresser or bookshelf! My tank's going to have to scoot over because I'm getting a larger tank (at least 30 gallons) and I'm sticking with cories for it too. I like cichlids but I had a big one for three years and it ate my other fish. So I want nice fish from now on... and neon tetras, because they're cool.

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