Shy Cardinals

Dave Spencer

Gort! Klaatu barada nikto.
Sep 21, 2006
Reaction score
N. Wales

I have a small shoal of nine healthy Cardinals in an understocked, heavily planted tank that I only see at feeding times. Would adding a few more make them feel more confident and show themselves a bit more?

Hi Dave

I've got ten cardinals too, and mine mostly like to hide in the plants in the back - and as you say come out at feeding time too. That's except for one or two of them, who seem to be the 'dominant' fish who like to cruise around in the front a bit. My tanks not super heavily planted so at least I can still see them.

IMO, I think it's because they like getting in the shade of the plants out of the bright light more than anything...
if the tank/filter can cope add 10 more
the more of them there are the more confident they will be
Thanks for the help chaps. The tank is well lit at 3.4WPG, so I don`t suppose that helps.

I currently have nine Cardinals and three Otos in 32USG, so I think I will add a few more to see if this makes them more confident.

Just like to say Dave, that I'm having the same problem. They constantly hide. 2 have died aswell, maybe more. They just lose their colour then gasp at the surface.
Do you have other "predatory" fishes in the tank? Sometimes it's due to that that makes some of the fish more prone to hiding.
No, like Fred says, I don`t have any predators. I also have some Ember tetras (Hyphessobrycon amandae in another tank that are equally wussy. I really like to see shoals of small fish, but I also like heavily planted as well.

I think I might stick to Rasboras, like the ones I have in a 60l tank, which are full of energy.


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