What makes you think the fish has a swim bladder problem?
He struggles to maintain a normal swimming position, sinks to the bottom, his belly is curved and he has no appetite. No other fish have it. I believe I may have over-fed him.
Can you post a picture and video of the fish swimming?
I can’t. He is simply sitting at the bottom of the tank, sometimes he swims a little bit, but not much.
How long has the tank been set up for?
Tanks been going since early February. I have recently added another fish in the tank, from one of my other tanks, he is not new, but he had just finished recovering from white spot (all goods now).
How often do you do water changes?
I do water changes usually twice a week, had to step it up though since there were some sickness and what have you, but there’s been no trouble in regards to water changes.
Do you gravel clean the substrate when you do a water change?
Yes, I always clean the gravel and also fish out any uneaten food.
How often do you clean the filter?
I clean the filter every second water change.
How do you clean the filter?
I take the filter apart and clean each part under running water, sometimes when there is access algae or waste I will put a paper towel through it to get it all out. then re-rinse. I dry it off with it’s own special towel and chuck it back in. Never caused a problem before.