

Spishkeys Turtle Rescue
Jun 20, 2008
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is there any shrimp that are easy to breed and will live with guppys? i have a guppy only tan that had crayfish babies in, but theyve grown up and will be moving on soon so would love to try shrimp!

Cherry shimp will probably be your best bet. I had a tank of guppies and shrimp up until recently (now just shrimp). The shrimp population increased as there was java moss and other cover for the shrimplets but I'm sure they will increase in number faster now as undoubtably adult guppies were snatching baby shrimp here and there. The adult shrimp however will live fine with adult guppies, its just the babies that get picked off but as long as there is cover you should notice an increase slowly.
The person i bought my cherry shrimp from was breeding them in a tank with endlers You should be ok with guppies, just give them plenty of moss for the shrimp to hide in.

As your in Belgium there are more options of cheaper easy to keep species available to you than we have in the UK as you can order from German sites that wont ship to the uk :(

Try or (the second one will ship to the uk :D )

Shrimp i would consider for your first species are cherry shrimp, yellow shrimp, snowball shrimp or Tiger shrimp. All are easy to look after and breed.
shrimp are a good invert. i sugjest that tou eather get cherry shrimp, or ghost shimp

cherry shrimps are small and cool but thay do breed mor than others(my opinion)

ghost shrimp are one of the best(my opinion) because thay are almost invisibe! thay are like ninjas cuz you see them but then you look away, and cant see them!

P.S. some people say that with darker things in the tank sutch as decor,backround, ect. , will make the cherry shrimp mor red, and mor vibrent red. as with light colored stuff, it will be a paler red. i guess theres a good experiment!

anyways, good luck with your shrimp! ;)

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