

Fish Herder
Aug 31, 2005
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Hi, I am looking to get some shrimp for my tank. I was just wondering whether anyone can help me find anywhere that ships them within the U.K or anything like aquabid within the U.K. Thx in advance
remember that shrimps come in different sizes and with different tempraments, according to what fish you have make sure you choose carefully. lots of fish also see some shrimps as food.
Hi, moray, I see you seem very knowledgable about shrimp. I have tiger barbs (group of 12) 2 rainbow sharks (1xalbino- 1xblack) 4 melon barbs (these are what I'm worried about as I have had ghost shrimp in with the rest an they came to no harm), 4 bronze cories and one pearl gourami. Anyway my question is; Are there any shrimp that will be ok in here that i would be able to get shiped within uk, I was looking at those cherry shrimp an I am leaning towards them. The tank is a 36-40gal, 4ft long with a sand substrate and quite well planted (fake) with a lot of rocks an other hiding places. Thx in advance, any advice most welcome as i really want shrimp and my other tanks have frogs and a lobster in (not the same tank dont worry)

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