Hi, moray, I see you seem very knowledgable about shrimp. I have tiger barbs (group of 12) 2 rainbow sharks (1xalbino- 1xblack) 4 melon barbs (these are what I'm worried about as I have had ghost shrimp in with the rest an they came to no harm), 4 bronze cories and one pearl gourami. Anyway my question is; Are there any shrimp that will be ok in here that i would be able to get shiped within uk, I was looking at those cherry shrimp an I am leaning towards them. The tank is a 36-40gal, 4ft long with a sand substrate and quite well planted (fake) with a lot of rocks an other hiding places. Thx in advance, any advice most welcome as i really want shrimp and my other tanks have frogs and a lobster in (not the same tank dont worry)