Shrimps vs Crabs


Fish Crazy
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
South Africa
Okay okay, i know that your supposed to reaserch everything before you buy anything. But i was down at the beach a couple days ago and saw the cutest crab along with a few other goods. So now i saw him today for the first time, And my cleaner shrimps seem to have found him aswell, cause they looked like they were trying to coner him and were trying to feel him up, he didn't seem to dig it to much and was trying to nip at them. Are shrimps and crabs generally a bad idea?

Also one of my small little clowns dissapeared last night, he just vanashed k-pow gone. I've searched everywhere, the crabs about the same size as he was, u rekon he could eat him/ or kill him and hide him under a rock gangsta style?
I guess they can be agressive with one another, especially over food.

I notice mine 'fight' over a peice of food during feeding time. Otherwise, they typically ignore eachother. I think it depends on what kind of shrimp you have too. I have a peppermint shrimp and they are very active.

Im sure someone with more experience and knowledge can help you better than I can :D I just had to put in my 2 cents
they're cleaners, also very active. But i've noticed now that this little crab has his local spot not far from the shrimps hangout. So maybe it was just a food fight?

But i still think this little bastard killed my clown! and deservies punishment! To the sump i say, u horid little creature - will he survive down there tho? And how the hell do you catch a relativly small crab hidding amidst ednless caves which took me for ever to set up!??
Its highly likely to be the crab. Many crabs are predators and all are opportunists. THey are also incredibly strong and once a fish is in its claws its almost impossible for it to escape.

Introducing animals from the shores is usually a bad idea unless you can be sure they are safe. I use Atlantic shrimps as part of my cleanup crew but these are harmless and adjust well to reef life. I would never introduce a crab as they might liike small and cute but these can easily grow large and obnoxious! Yes he will survive in the sump I have 3 crabs down in there but I would place him back in the ocean where he is better suited.

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